----- Original Message -----From: gerald_a_levySent: 5/30/2002 11:48:01 PMSubject: [OPE-L:7291] 'De omnibus dubitandum' [was: interpreting Marx's texts]Re David Y's [7289]:> I think that the discussion of this issue has been settled,in so far as the antagonists have taken sides. NeverthelessFred's articles are important for understanding Marx's positionand I value them and assume future students of Marx will do aswell. The point, as I keep on saying, is to change the world anddevelop and extend Marx's standpoint to make this possible.Some people think that this means first to criticise Marx and moreoften than not end up destroying the revolutionary core of Marx'swritings. My position is contrary to this - it is to apply and extendthat revolutionary core to today's conditions. That is the real testof Marx's standpoint. <A question: from *your* perspective, how does the *continuing*exploration of and debate about the transformation of values intoprices of production help, in the year 2002, to change the world?A comment: at the core of Marx's revolutionary perspective was hisprofoundly anti-authoritarian stance towards all that went before him.*No one* was spared critique, even those he in many ways identified withand learned from philosophically and politically. Thus, his favoritemotto: 'De omnibus dubitandum' ('doubt everything'). This was Marx'sstandpoint -- without which a thorough-going critique of political economywould not have been possible -- but is it the standpoint of Marxists? Iwould say that the Marxists who follow Marx's *example* of being _criticalto all_ are in a distinct minority. Those who insist that Marx's writings --like the writings of all other authors that are relevant to understanding thesubject matter (capitalism) -- must be subject to *critique*, rather than merelybeing applied, are operating from a tradition that is inspired by theexample of Marx and many other revolutionaries in thought and praxis.If we do not 'apply' this revolutionary anti-authoritarian stance, then wecan not 'apply' his revolutionary perspective to today's conditions.In solidarity, Jerry
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