[OPE-L:7969] Re: Value of software

From: OPE-L Administrator (ope-admin@ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu)
Date: Fri Nov 08 2002 - 07:06:18 EST

From: Paul Cockshot <wpc@dcs.gla.ac.uk>
Date: 08 Nov 2002 11:02:34 +0000

On Thu, 2002-11-07 at 14:19, Allin Cottrell wrote:
> A fellow named Graham Seaman sent me the following question after
> taking a look at the OPE-L archive.  He asked if I might forward it to
>  the list and since it seems on-topic I am doing so.
> Graham's question is:
> "I'm interested in the value of commercial software. This is a fairly
> live issue among a small group of people I know, in which I am in the
> minority position of arguing that commercial software can have no
> (substantial) value, due to it's infinite reproducability at minimal
> cost; the main counter-arguments are that if it's integrated in the
> M-C-M' process, then in practice it has value; and that infinite
> reproducability is a red herring since any given program is only
> actually sold a finite number of times allowing us to retrospectively
> know its value. I don't like a value which is only determined by
> consumption, but maybe I'm misunderstanding Marx..  (note the question
> is only about commercial software, eg. word;  not one-off commissioned
> software, or software used directly in production (eg for CNC
> machines)"
> Allin Cottrell.
Would this be helped if one distinguished between the value of
information and the value of a copy of information.

The value of a program is then defined by the labour required
to produce it. The value of a copy is then defined by the
labour required to produce the cd and to write to it.

The existence of the original is of course a precondition of
the production of the copy, but that does not imply that
it is necessarily involved in the transfer of value to the copy.

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