[OPE-L:8180] Re: Marx's Notes on Wagner available on MIA

From: clyder@gn.apc.org
Date: Sun Dec 15 2002 - 16:19:48 EST

I suggest you have a look at Athar Hussains introduction
to his english translation which came out about 72. This 
was the second english translation, one by Angela Clifford
came out a year earlier.

Hussains introduction was reproduced in Diane Elsters collection
on value theory. You would probably have to have access to
a UK copyright library to get Angela's translation - though I
think that the Hoover library of the Study of Communism in
Ann Arbour probably has a copy.

I lost mine years ago.

Quoting Hans Ehrbar <ehrbar@econ.utah.edu>:

> I just uploaded a bilingual version of Marx's "Notes on
> Adolph Wagner" to the MIA.  I understand that this is his
> last economic manuscript which has some interesting
> methodological remarks.  The URL is
> http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1881/01/wagner.htm
> The MIA wants me to add a paragraph about the importance of
> this manuscript.  Does anyone have any suggestions what to say?
> Hans G. Ehrbar
> -- 
> Hans G. Ehrbar   http://www.econ.utah.edu/ehrbar   ehrbar@econ.utah.edu
> Economics Department, University of Utah     (801) 581 7797 (my office)
> 1645 Campus Center Dr., Rm 308               (801) 581 7481 (econ office)
> Salt Lake City    UT 84112-9300              (801) 585 5649 (FAX)

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