[OPE-L:8239] sorry re Havana conference

From: michael a. lebowitz (mlebowit@sfu.ca)
Date: Fri Dec 27 2002 - 22:06:12 EST

Dear friends,
         So much for the legendary Canadian efficiency. 8^)
In addition to drawing upon a database that was flawed (eg., Dumenil and 
Pollin having signified that they were not likely to get to the 
conference  and leaving out our own Alfredo Saad-Filho, who at last report 
was still scrambling for travel funds), I sent a file in 8236 that 
apparently defeats all contenders who attempt to open it. Here is the 
announcement for the conference.
         in solidarity,

>International Conference  The work of Karl Marx and challenges for the XXI 
>Century - Second Call for Papers
>The Institute of Philosophy of the Ministry of Science, Technology and 
>Environment of Cuba is organizing the International Conference on “The 
>work of Karl Marx and challenges for the XXI Century “ which will take 
>place  in Havana,  Cuba, from May 5 to May 8, 2003 at the Conference Rooms 
>of the Cuban Workers’ Labour Union (Central de Trabajadores de Cuba).
>This important event has the auspices of:
>Cuban Association to the United Nations
>The National Association of Economists and Accountants of Cuba, ANEC
>The Cuban Workers Labour Union/Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
>Ministry of Economy and Planning  The Juan F. Noyal Centre for Economic 
>Studies and Planning
>The Council for Social Sciences of the Ministry of Science, Technology and 
>Environment  CITMA
>The Directorate for Marxism and Leninism  Ministry of Higher Education
>Faculty of Philosophy and History  University of Havana
>Higher Institute of Art ISA of the Ministry of Culture
>Cuban Society for Philosophic Enquiry
>Economic Society of Friends of the Country
>Popular University of the Mothers of the Plaza of May, Argentina
>Objectives of the Event:
>Next year will mark 120 years since Karl Marx's death.  Marx's heritage, 
>as Frederick Engels pointed out, has been an invaluable 'guide to action' 
>for all those who share his goal of a society permitting the full 
>development of human potential, a society that goes beyond capitalism. As 
>we know, though, Marx's work was always rooted in the real movements of 
>society. To be consistent with that work and to be faithful to its goals, 
>we need to understand the experiences of those 120 years both in relation 
>to changes in capitalism and also in the attempts to create a humane 
>alternative to capitalism, a socialist society
>We think this is an important time to look at Marx's ideas and to see how 
>they can help us not only to understand the world but also to change it. 
>We see the need to develop progressive thought for the beginning of the 
>XXI century and the necessary link to revolutionary practice without which 
>there can be no change. In this way, we want to honour Marx, who dedicated 
>his life (both in his theory and also his practice) to the development of 
>a society of free and fully developed men and women, a socialist society.
>Since socialism for Cuba has always been internationalist and has always 
>been marked by international solidarity, we invite scholars and activists 
>from around the world who share Marx's commitment to join us at this 
>We call for proposals around two main themes:
>-The limits and contradictions within contemporary capitalism and the new 
>forms of revolutionary struggle.
>-The limits and contradictions within socialist experience at the end of 
>the 20th Century: elements of improvements within the emmancipatory paradigm.
> From these two main themes we hope that participants will develop their 
> presentations along the following sub-themes:
>·       Communist Revolution and Human Emancipation: the subject of 
>revolution in the new world order
>·       Workers and the trade union movement in the contemporary world
>·       State and Economy in the current world
>·       Under-development and Capitalism
>·       Globalization and sustainable human development
>·       Latin America: the FTAA and the USA
>·       Property and social development
>Those wishing to participate in the conference should contact the 
>Co-ordinator of the Scientific Committee, Dr. Jesus Pastor Garcia Brigos 
>(see below  paper submission guidelines prior to the 31st of January 2003.
>Our fee schedule is as follows: professional category US$80.00, companions 
>of professionals US$60.00 and students US$50.00.
>The goal of the organizers during the Dias of the conference is to achieve 
>the closest and richest dialogue and discussions possible, and that 
>resulting from these interchanges we can continue strengthening the 
>necessary formative praxis   for human progress.
>Paper submission guidelines:
>·       : Papers should be sent to the Co-ordinator of the Scientific 
>Committee: Dr. Jesus Pastor Garcia Brigos by e-mail: 
>jpastor@infomed.sld.cu or 3.5 disk
>·       An abstract of the paper, maximum one page in length
>·       Papers may be submitted in English or Spanish
>·       Paper length maximum 30 pages (Windows 95 or later versions, New 
>Times Roman font 12. double spaced, paper size 8-1/2 x 11, side margins 2 
>centimetres, top and bottom margins 4 centimetres
>Authors of papers that are selected for presentation will be notified by 
>March 31st 2003.
>It is expected that all papers that are presented will be circulated in 
>advance via electronic mail among all participants to facilitate their 
>study and thus have a better preparation prior to their debate and 
>All papers will be published in the volumes, dedicated to this conference, 
>in the Cuban Social Sciences Magazine and on the web site of the Institute 
>of Philosophy (web page Cuba Siglo XXI).  All authors are requested to 
>give us their explicit waiver of publication rights if they do not wish 
>for their papers to be published in our magazine.
>We will also publish all the abstracts of papers submitted to the 
>Conference. Those papers that are not selected for presentation will also 
>be published in other editions of the Cuban Social Sciences Magazine as 
>well as the above-mentioned electronic media.
>The memoirs of the event, which will include some transcripts, and other 
>materials of the conference, including all papers that were presented will 
>be published in a CD-rom.  We also require publication rights permission 
>for this.
>At the time of posting of this notice we already have the confirmation of 
>many internationally recognized scholars from all continents and thus we 
>are driven in our efforts to making this conference as open as possible 
>and maintaining our set objectives.
>Other Conference related activities
>With a view to maintaining communications post the conference, the 
>Organizing Committee will be presenting a proposal to establish an 
>on-going Permanent International Workshop  Marx and the challenges of the 
>Century XXI which would publish, organize events and in general maintain a 
>continued interchange between participants to the conference and new 
>colleagues that may wish to join us.
>Those who wish to participate in the activities that will be organized for 
>the International Workers Day on May 1st, and others that will be 
>co-ordinated by the Cuban Workers Labour Union together with the 
>Organizing Committee during the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of May should advise the 
>Co-ordinator of the Scientific Committee prior to the 31st of January 
>2003.  The program for the activities for those days will be published 
>shortly and will include academic discussion and interchanges with Cuban 
>specialists and well as activities with the Cuban labour movement among others.
>We will be offering courses and events pre and post the conference as well 
>as co-lateral activities that will be published in other notices.
>All work will be done in commission-oriented sessions in panels grouped by 
>There will also be optional evening sessions at conference rooms nearby 
>the hotels that have been selected for the conference.  These sessions 
>will be dedicated to interchanges on themes that affect current day Cuba, 
>among other topics of relevance. Work sessions will be in English and in 
>Presenters will be allotted a 15-minute presentation period for their 
>papers, and these will be the basis for discussions in working commissions.
>The Conference Schedule is as follows:
>MONDAY  May 5
>8:00- 9:00 Registration of foreign participants
>Cuban participants will register at the Instituto de Filosophia on April 
>28th to 30th.
>9:30  11:30 Plenary Session
>Opening Speech
>Presentation of Scheduled Work Program among others a proposal for the 
>continuation of the work commenced at this Conference on the basis of a 
>Permanent International Workshop “Marx and the Challenges of the Century XXI”.
>11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
>11:30-13:30 Work in Commissions
>13:30- 14:00 Lunch
>14:00-16:00 Work in Commissions
>16:00 Welcome cocktail.
>Tour through Havana
>Tuesday May 6
>Wed.  May 7
>  9:00-11:00 Work in oriented commissions
>11:00-11:30 Coffee break
>11:30-13:30 Work in oriented commissions
>13:30-14:00 Lunch
>14:00-16:00 Work in oriented commissions
>21:00-23:00 Optional theme sessions
>Thurs. May 8
>  9:00 11:00 Work in oriented commissions
>11:00- 11:30 Coffee break
>11:30- 13:30 Plenary session
>Reading and debate on the basis of the discussions of summary minutes of 
>the work in the commissions
>Discussion of the platform documents and adoption of the agreements
>13:30-14:00 Lunch
>14:00-17:00 Plenary session
>Reading and debate on the basis of the discussions of summary minutes of 
>the work of the commissions
>Discussion of the platform documents and adoption of the agreements
>17:00 Closing
>20:00 Farewell cocktail
>Habana Libre
>(5 star)
>(4 star)
>(3 star)
>Room Rate
>Double Occupancy
>US$ 338.00
>US$ 207.00
>US$ 192.00
>Room Rate
>Single Occupancy
>US$ 508.00
>US$ 277.00
>US$ 238.00
>All prices include:
>Stay for 5 nights
>Transfers in/out
>Transfers to and from activities
>City Tour
>Farewell cocktail
>Guide services. Personalized attention
>Note rates do not include any other service not mentioned
>All co-ordination and information or any other item of interest will be 
>covered and through Rumbos Cuba, Lic. Maria Elena Dominguez Cabrera: e-mail:
>Organizing Commitee
>Comité Organizador.
>Dra. Romelia Pino Freyre*, Directora del Instituto de Filosofía.
>Coordinador del Comité Científico:
>Dr. Jesús Pastor García Brigos*
>Coordinador del Comité de Logística:
>Lic. Alberto Pérez
>Miembros del Comité Científico de la Conferencia:
>(por orden alfabético del primer apellido)
>Professor Robert Albritton*. Department of Political Science, York 
>University, Toronto, Canada
>Professor Samir Amín*, Forum du Tiers Monde,
>Luciano Alzaga*, Suecia.
>Dr. Al Campbell*, Professor of Economics, University of Utah.
>Dr. Ken Cole*, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom.
>Prof. Renée Marie Croose Parry,  Instituto de Filosofía
>B.Sc. Kenneth Croose Parry, Instituto de Filosofía.
>Dra. Norma Gálvez, Instituto Superior de Arte, Ministerio de Cultura
>Dra. Carmen Gómez García, Sociedad Cubana de Investigaciones Filosóficas
>Marta Harnecker*,  Centro de Investigaciones “Memoria Popular 
>Latinoamericana” (MEPLA)
>Profesor Remy Herrera*, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique y 
>Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Francia.
>Prof. Emeritus Georges Labica*, Director Cientifico Honorario C.N.R.S., Paris.
>Prof. Emeritus Michael Lebowitz,* Economics Department, Simon Fraser 
>University, Canada
>Dr. Miguel Limia David, Consejo de Ciencias Sociales, del Ministerio de 
>Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente, CITMA
>Dr. Darío Machado
>Lic. Luis Marcelo Yera
>Nchamah Miller*, Investigadora colombiana, York University, Toronto.
>Lic. Humberto Miranda, Grupo GALFISA, Instituto de Filosofía, CITMA
>Dr. Ernesto Molina*, Asociación de Economistas y Contadores de Cuba
>Dra. Isabel Monal,, Cátedra de Estudios Marxistas “Julio Antonio Mella”-
>Lic. Haydee Montes Cabrera, Central de Trabajadores de Cuba ( CTC)
>Dra. Concepción Nieves Ayús, Grupo Cuba: teoría y sociedad, Instituto de 
>Filosofía, CITMA
>Dr. Hugo Pons, Centro de Estudios  de Economía  y  Planificación, 
>Ministerio de Economía y Planificación
>Dr. Rigoberto Pupo, Facultad de Filosofía, Sociología e Historia, 
>Universidad de la Habana
>Isabel Rauber, Pasado y Presente XXI.
>Dra. Daysy Rivero Alvisa, Presidenta Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País.
>Lic. Boris Luis Rodríguez, Asociación Cubana de las Naciones Unidas
>Dr. Ramón Sánchez Noda, Dirección de Marxismo- Leninismo, Ministerio de 
>Educación Superior, MES.
>Dr. Luis Suarez, Dirección de Marxismo-Leninismo, MES.
>Dr. Jorge Luis Santana, Grupo Cuba: teoría y sociedad, Instituto de 
>Filosofía, CITMA
>Lic. Lynette Thoman.*, University of York, Canada
>Dr. Vicente Zito Lema*,  Director Académico, Universidad Popular Madres de 
>la Plaza de Mayo, Argentina.
>*International Advisory Committee
>Teléfonos: Instituto de Filosofía 8321887; 8320301; 
>8329768                                                        Fax: 8321887
>Correo electrónico del Instituto de 
>Filosofía:  filosof@ceniai.inf.cu
>Correos del Comité Organizador Científico:
>Dr. Jesús Pastor García Brigos,  jpastor@infomed.sld.cu
>Nchamah Miller , Secretariat@cubaconfmarx21.com

Michael A. Lebowitz
Economics Department
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Office: Phone (604) 291-4669
          Fax   (604) 291-5944
Home: (604) 689-9510 [NOTE CHANGE]
Lasqueti Island: (250) 333-8810

Michael A. Lebowitz
Economics Department
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Office: Phone (604) 291-4669
          Fax   (604) 291-5944
Home: (604) 689-9510 [NOTE CHANGE]
Lasqueti Island: (250) 333-8810

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