I support the thrust of the following reply by Mike Lebowitz. Given the history of covert actions by the US government towards Cuba and the reality that the 'dissidents' received money (and instructions) from the US representative to Cuba, there is no reason to take the statements by the 'dissidents' (or the statements by the U.S. State Department or Cuban exile groups in the US) at face value. If it comes to a question of credibility: why would one prefer the word of paid agents of US imperialism to that of the Cuban government? Jerry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I said that 'I believe that some of the signatories... have disgraced themselves' (others being beyond this), it was because I believe that some people signed your statement without making the slightest effort to look at the evidence that was presented against the people brought to trial--- not for being independent librarians, journalists, etc but for receiving money and instructions. I know that if I signed your statement based upon an Amnesty International press release and then did a little research on my own, I'd feel sick to my stomach. Have you read any of the information from Felipe Perez's press conference--- before or since your statement? Do you support the programme for funding subversion in Cuba (something which appears implicit in the comment that follows the statement)? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>