An opportunity to help spread the ideas of Che Guevara


 September 22, 2003


A very special request

Dear friends,


Ocean Press is asking for your help to spread the ideas of Che Guevara to a new generation of young activists everywhere.


Ocean Press (Melbourne, New York and Havana) and the Che Guevara Studies Center (Havana), directed by Che’s widow Aleida March, have initiated an ambitious project to go beyond the iconic image of Che Guevara and restore the voice and example of this most contemporary of revolutionary human beings. This project will include publishing Che’s most important works, including some previously unpublished books on political economy and Marxist philosophy, as well as preparing an inspiring new documentary examining his life and political legacy.


Our publishing project will involve more than 20 books (in English and Spanish), which will be widely distributed throughout the world. Already published are the following books by Che:



To achieve this and many other titles currently in production — including Che’s highly controversial CRITICAL NOTES ON POLITICAL ECONOMY published for the first time in any language — we urgently need your support. Ocean Press is asking you to make a financial contribution to a special fund we have established for this project.


We hope to raise $100,000 by the end of October 2003. We are convinced that this is a historic moment for these projects. Please consider how you can help us.


It’s time for Che to be rescued from being a fashion statement and to be allowed to speak for himself, in his own passionate, ironic and incisive words.


Please help! Donations can be made by credit card (Visa or Mastercard) or check (payable to Ocean Press). For donations over $100, you will receive a copy of CHE GUEVARA READER. Donations of $1,000 or more will be rewarded with all the Che books published by Ocean Press.


For more information on tax deductible contributions contact Ocean Press.

Please send your donation now to:

Ocean Press, PO Box 1186, Old Chelsea Station, New York, NY 10113-1186

or Ocean Press, GPO Box 3279, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia


Yours in solidarity,


David Deutschmann

Ocean Press

Tel: (61-3) 9326 4280

Fax: (61-3) 9329 5040




we are realists... we dream the impossible


Please complete the form below and email it back to or mail to

OCEAN PRESS, PO Box 1186, Old Chelsea Stn, New York, NY 10113-1186, USA

or OCEAN PRESS, PO Box 3279, Melbourne, Vic 3001, Australia




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£ $100 (and receive a free copy of CHE GUEVARA READER)

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Ocean Press

PO Box 1186, Old Chelsea Stn, New York, NY 10113-1186 or

Ocean Press

GPO Box 3279, Melbourne, Vic 3001, Australia



All donations over $100 receive one free copy of CHE GUEVARA READER

All donations over $1,000 receive a copy of all CHE books published in the series