(OPE-L) Re: New book - advance publicity

From: glevy@PRATT.EDU
Date: Wed Nov 19 2003 - 11:45:57 EST

Re Alfredo's post:

Ooops. I should have known what edition it was that since I have a copy of
the 3rd edition.

Given what you wrote about the intended (undergraduate s.s.) audience
and the desire to make the book as brief as reasonable, why was "A
Response to Okishio" included?

In solidarity, Jerry

> We have attempted to make the
> entire text available to the target public, which is undergraduate
> students in the social scientists (not necessarily in economics), and
> non-university activists. <snip>
> The advantages of the new
> edition of Marx's Capital are that it is shorter and considerably
> simpler than these books;  <snip>
> ******************************************************
> A Response to Okishio

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