(OPE-L) Punishment and Social Structure

From: Rakesh Bhandari (rakeshb@STANFORD.EDU)
Date: Tue Dec 09 2003 - 00:27:54 EST

  recently reissued; the original was translated by Moishe
Finkelstein, aka (I believe) Sir Moses Finley.

Punishment and Social Structure
by Georg Rusche, Otto Kirchheimer, Dario Melossi (Introduction)

*       Paperback: 290 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.72 x 8.98 x 5.86
*       Publisher: Transaction Pub; (March 2003)
*       ISBN: 0765809214

  An involving essay about the foundation of society, April 18, 2003
        Reviewer: Midwest Book Review (see more about me) from
Oregon, WI USA Now with a new introduction by Dario Melossi,
Punishment And Social Structure by Georg Rusche and Otto Kirchheimer
offers significant scholarship in the study of criminology, and one
that traces the origin of its ideas to an article written by Georg
Rusche in 1933, entitled "Labor Market and Penal Sanction: Thoughts
on the Sociology of Criminal Justice". Expanding on the original
article's ideas to classify the history of crime into three primary
eras - early Middle Ages with emphasis on penance and fines, later
Middle Ages marked by severe corporal and capital punishment, and the
seventeenth century with its development of the prison system,
Punishment And Social Structure is an involving essay about the
foundation of society and its treatment of miscreants and a strongly
recommended addition to professional and academic Law, Jurisprudence,
Penology, and Criminology Studies reference collections and reading

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