Re: 'Labor Market Dynamics Within Rival Macroeconomic Frameworks'

From: Paul Cockshott (clyder@GN.APC.ORG)
Date: Mon Jan 05 2004 - 18:49:32 EST

ajit sinha wrote:
> I have not been able to follow ope-l for a couple of
> weeks, but I find this post by Ian very interesting.
> Ian! you write, "These features are common across
> countries and across time. These functional forms are
> not the result of class struggle, but are unintended
> consequences of the social relations of production,
> that is capitalists that pay wages and earn profits,
> and workers that perform work and earn wages, coupled
> with buying and selling in competitive marketplaces
> mediated by money." But don't you think that "across
> countries and across time" those relations of
> productions themselves will not be the same? Cheers,
> ajit sinha

In Ians simulation models he only assumes the invariant
component of capitalist production relations.

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