Theories of value and price in contemporary ChineseMarxism.

From: Alejandro Valle Baeza (valle@SERVIDOR.UNAM.MX)
Date: Thu Feb 05 2004 - 09:58:49 EST

Theories of value and price in contemporary ChineseMarxism.

Atlantic Economic Journal; 12/1/1989; Lichtenstein, Peter M. 

I. Introduction 

The last decade has witnessed a liberalization of academic debate in China. I As a result, Chinese economists have begun to question the foundations of socialist theories of value and price. It is the purpose of this paper to critically examine certain aspects of these debates. 

Section II looks at the Chinese definition of socialist commodity production," which is the organizing principle of contemporary Chinese Marxist theories of value and price. Section III explores the "equal labor exchange" theories of value, which assert that planned prices ought to be proportional to the socially necessary labor time embodied in a commodity. Section IV examines the more recent "prices of production" theory of value, which asserts that prices must deviate from these labor determined values. Section V makes some critical observations about Chinese theories of value and price. 

II. Socialist Commodity Production and Chinese Marxism 

Full article by request to me or in

Alejandro Valle Baeza

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