Re: (OPE-L) Re: A hypothetical question for Editors and Authors

From: Michael Perelman (michael@ECST.CSUCHICO.EDU)
Date: Sun Mar 07 2004 - 16:36:43 EST

Also, his book is wonderful in thinking about British & German concepts of value

A Comparative Sociology of Intellectual Property:
German and British Writers at the Dawn of a Market in .Ideas.

(Seminar Draft: Do Not Cite)

) Richard Biernacki
University of California, San Diego

On Sun, Mar 07, 2004 at 12:09:23PM -0500, Gerald A. Levy wrote:
> David L and Michael P: thanks for the replies.
> i) for David:
> Your memory is pretty good.  The letter to Engels is dated June 18, 1862:
> ii) for Michael:
> what is the name of the article by Richard Biernacki that you referred to?
> In solidarity, Jerry

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at

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