Sweezy Tribute at the Marx Conference in Havana

From: michael a. lebowitz (mlebowit@SFU.CA)
Date: Tue Mar 16 2004 - 11:25:04 EST

Dear Comrades,
        Although details have yet to be worked out, there will be a tribute to
Paul Sweezy at the Marx Conference in Havana, 4-8 May.  (Given Paul's links
to Cuba--- he and Leo Huberman toured Cuba with Fidel and Che in 1960 and
wrote 2 books about the revolution in its first decade, hopefully the
tribute will include some comments from important personages there.) Among
non-Cubans listed as conference participants at this point are Samir Amin,
Istvan Meszaros, Leo Panitch, David Harvey, Trevor Ngwane, Han Deqiang, Lau
Kin Chi, Simon Clarke, Ricardo Antunes, Pablo Gonzalez Casanova, Emir
Sader, Atilio Boron, Julio Gambina, Nestor Kohan, Francisco Sobrino,
Enrique Dussel, Domenico Losurdo, Georges Labica, Al Campbell and OPE-L's
David Yaffe.
        in solidarity,
PS. if anyone is still interested in coming, write to Jesus Garcia Brigos
<jpastor@infomed.sld.cu> with a cc to me (so I can lobby).
Michael A. Lebowitz
Professor Emeritus
Economics Department
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6

Currently based in Venezuela. Can be reached at

Residencias Anauco Suites
Departamento 601
Parque Central, Zona Postal 1010, Oficina 1
Caracas, Venezuela
(58-212) 573-4111
fax: (58-212) 573-7724

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