Re: 'accumulation' - addition

From: Jurriaan Bendien (andromeda246@HETNET.NL)
Date: Tue May 11 2004 - 12:26:44 EDT

I wrote inmy previous post:

think of capitalism simply in terms of free wage labor, but for a
scientific historian or social scientist, this is just nonsense, both
because of the different ways in which surplus-labour is appropriated
by owners of capital,"

I did not finish off my sentence. It should be:

"Marxists think of capitalism simply in terms of free wage labor,
but for a scientific historian or social scientist, this is just nonsense,
both because of the different ways in which surplus-labour is
appropriated by owners of capital, and because free wage labour
(and semi-free wage labour) existed centuries before industrial
capitalism emerged. See further: Free and Unfree Labour:
The Debate Continues, Edited by Tom Brass and Marcel '
van der Linden (Bern: Peter Lang Academic Publishers, 1997),
602 pp. "


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