Re: (OPE-L) tendencies for equalization

From: Ian Wright (iwright@GMAIL.COM)
Date: Tue Sep 14 2004 - 12:33:42 EDT

Jerry, just a quick reply to clear up a confusion. When I wrote
"strive for equality" I did not mean the actors literally strive for a
given equal return (either wages or profits), but rather that they
continually strive for equality with each other under competitive
circumstances. If any particular actors get away from the pack, the
rest chase them down, but there's always a distribution of returns in
the pack. That is, I'd expect returns to have a narrower dispersion
than would otherwise be the case. So I agree with your point about
capitalists striving for inequality with each other. Will write more
when I get the chance, but just wanted to mention this quickly.


On Mon, 13 Sep 2004 20:51:59 -0400, Gerald A. Levy
<> wrote:

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