Re: (OPE-L) explaining transitions among modes of production

From: Paul Cockshott (wpc@DCS.GLA.AC.UK)
Date: Thu Sep 30 2004 - 04:50:27 EDT

I think that you are right Jerry when you say you must
look at the forces that drive transitions. Graph theory
just gives one an abstract framework with no content.

I think that one could be more precise though than using
the word forces, since that is a mechanical analogy
which may not be quite appropriate - connotations of 
inertia, work done etc. It may be more appropriate to
focus on dynamic feedback mechanisms which increase
or reduce the probability of transitions.

The question also has to be answered in the concrete.
There is no general abstract solution. One needs a
theory of the dynamics of individual modes of production,
a concept of how combined ones interact and a theory of
how these affect the superstructure of the state.

Some transitions can be induced by highly conjuncture
factors. For example the transition of the Russian empire
out of the capitalist system and the establishment of 
the planned economy of the USSR, seems to have been
critically dependent on WW I and the Russian military
defeat by Austro/German imperialism. One can hypothesise
that this was a probably outcome given the earlier defeat
by Japan and the ensuing revolutionary crisis, but whether
in the absence of an assassins bullet in 1914 it would
have occurred is an open question.

Clearly in classical communist doctrine, the key factor
in the transition to socialism is war and the social disorder
brought about by war. One can also plausibly argue that 
the development of early 20th century capitalism made
wars more likely, and thus increased the number of 
socially disordered states and thus the chance that
in one or another of them, workers revolutions would occur.

Now this is a rather different model of transition from
the one that you have to employ in thinking of the transition
from feudalism to capitalism. In this case one is thinking
of slow processes of growth of one mode of production within
another, which when viewed close up, does not appear to be
something probabilistic. It is only when one starts looking
at international/intercontinental comparisons that one
can start thinking of it in stochastic terms - the probability
of China/Japan/Holland/North Italy undergoing a transition etc.

So I think that if we are to progress the discussion we
should focus on particular transitions arcs on the graph -
and in view of their conjunctural relevance - I suggest we
focus on the arcs below:

capitalism => socialism
socialism  => capitalism
socialism  => communism
communism  => socialism
capitalism => communism
communism  => capitalism

I think that we can assign to all of these arcs some 
non zero probability flux, but some are obviously more
probable than others, and we should have some theory
of what makes one arc more probable than another.

-----Original Message-----
From: OPE-L [mailto:OPE-L@SUS.CSUCHICO.EDU] On Behalf Of Gerald A. Levy
Sent: 29 September 2004 13:47
Subject: (OPE-L) explaining transitions among modes of production

Hi Paul C.

> Yes I agree this is an interesting question. I like to think of it in
> terms either of graph theory or Markov transition theory. Each  mode
> of production is  a node in the graph and the transitions between
> are arcs. Associated  with each arc is a transition flux which is the
> probability of  transition per unit  time.
> A system of this sort  can have a preferential path of development and
> this 'most likely' path of development that gives us a historical
> existence of this ordering appears retrospectively as progress.
> there may be other arcs on the graph, for example ones going from
> to capitalism which have lower, but non-zero probabilities of
> What the history of the last 20 years should have taught us is that
> was a non-zero probability of transition from socialism to capitalism
> example.
> If one views the modes of production as a graph with probability flux
> lableled arcs then one has a somewhat richer structure than a unique
> linear ordering.

I'm going to pass from the question of whether the feudal mode of
production was more 'advanced' that the slave mode of production
to the more general issue that you discuss above (note change in
'subject line' for thread) because I think it is more interesting.

I agree that a linear ordering, such as that presented by Marx as the
summarization of his "general conclusion" in the "Preface" to _A
Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy_, is misleading
and runs the risk of being simplistically interpreted..  Yet, for one to
develop an alternative in which one "views the modes of production as
a graph with probability flux labeled arcs" begs the central question,
That question is: what are the causal forces that determine the
birthing and development of  different modes of production and
what are the forces which can explain the transition whereby modes
of production that were once dominant are replaced (or surpassed?)
such that other modes of production become dominant?  While,
if one wishes to model such a historical process
one needs a statistical and mathematical method up to the task,
the selection of a probabilistic method is only a 'shell' in which
propositions about causal factors have to be identified (and, perhaps,

So, how would you identify the factors that cause there to
be transitions from one dominant mode of production to another?
Or,  are there no general trans-historical factors leading to such
changes and, therefore, the causes for change are different
in each historical instance? Whether one uses graph theory or
Markov transition theory, don't these questions have to be asked

In solidarity, Jerry

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