Re: (OPE-L) recent references on 'problem' of money commodity?

From: cmgermer@UFPR.BR
Date: Fri Oct 22 2004 - 15:13:21 EDT

The papers about Marx's theory of money which have been translated into
English are the ones that can be found at the IWGVT page (1997, 1998,
2000, 2001). Two of them have appeared in the IJPE - International Journal
of Political Economy:

GERMER, C.M. Credit money and the functions of money in capitalism.
International Journal of Political Economy, v. 27, no 1, Spring 1997, pp.

GERMER, C.M. Monetary economy or capitalist economy? International Journal
of Political Economy, v. 27, no 3, Fall 1997, pp. 6-34

I have concentrated my work in attempting to arrive at the understanding
of Marx's theory of money as a whole, and to test its applicability to the
contemporary sphere of money and credit. One of the main controversial
points among Marxist writers on the subject is the nature of money -
commodity or non-commodity? I have arrived at the conclusion that in
Marx's theory money is of necessity (a logical necessity in his theory) a
commodity, not only as a starting point, but throughout his entire work. A
further partial conclusion derived from the observation of the monetary
sphere of our days is that the commodity nature of money cannot be easily
rejected. At first sight there are no contradictions between the gold form
of money and the monetary phenomena of our days, and gold very obviously
still performs very important monetary functions at the basis of the
international monetary system.

All the other papers are in Portughese, except one in Spanish, in the book
of 'Readings in political economy', edited by Diego Guerrero and published
in Spain:

GERMER, C.M. (2002). Dinero: teorías marxistas [Money: Marxist theories].
In: Guerrero, D. (Coord.). Lecturas de Economía Política. Madrid :
Editorial Síntesis.

The papers published in Portughese in Brazilian journals are (I provide an
English translation of the titles):

GERMER, C.M. (1994). O sistema de crédito e o capital fictício em Marx
[The credit system and fictitious capital in Marx]. Ensaios FEE, Porto
Alegre, v. 15, n. 1, p. 179-201.

GERMER, C.M., CORAZZA, G. e CÁRIO, S.A.F. (1994). A economia capitalista
mundial nos anos 80: globalização financeira, mutação tecnológica e
coordenação macroeconômica [The world capitalist economy in the 80s:
finantial globalization, technological change and macroeconomic
coordination]. Revista de Economia, Curitiba (UFPR), v. 20, n. 18, p.7-26.

GERMER, C.M. (1996). 'Economia monetária' ou 'economia capitalista'? Marx
e Keynes sobre  natureza do capitalismo ['Monetary economy' or 'capitalist
economy'? Marx and Keynes about the nature of capitalism]. Estudos
Econômicos, v. 26, Número Especial, 1996, p. 51-81.

GERMER, C.M. (1997). Componentes estruturais da teoria do dinheiro no
capitalismo [Structural component parts of the theory of money in
capitalism]. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Política, v. 1,
n. 1, p. 106-33.

GERMER, C.M. (1999). Elementos para uma crítica marxista do conceito de
padrão-ouro [Elements for a Marxist critic of the concept of the gold
standard]. Estudos Econômicos, 29(4):575-600, out-dez.

GERMER, C.M. (2000). O sistema de crédito internacional e a instabilidade
financeira dos países da periferia capitalista [The international credit
system and the finantial instability of the countries in the capitalist
periphery]. Economia e Sociedade, n. 15, pp. 159-178, dez/2000.

GERMER, C.M. (2001). Dinheiro e dinheiro de crédito no capitalismo
avançado [Money and credit money in advanced capitalism]. Ensaios FEE,

GERMER, C.M. (2002). Fundamentos teóricos da análise marxista do sistema
monetário internacional [Theoretical groundings of the Marxist analysis of
the international monetary system]. Revista Análise Econômica, UFRGS,
Porto Alegre, n. 38, p. 163-186.

GERMER, C.M. (2002). O caráter de mercadoria do dinheiro segundo Marx –
uma polêmica [The commodity nature of money according to Marx - a
polemic]. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Política, n. 11, p.
5-27, dezembro.

This last paper is a previous version of the chapter which will be
published in the book edited by Fred Moseley. The presentation has been
improved a lot and the title is "The commodity nature of money in Marx’s

There are some other papers that have been presented at Brazilian
conferences but are so far not published:

GERMER, C.M. Endogeneidade produtiva, um enfoque alternativo da hipótese
da endogeneidade da oferta monetária [Productive endogeneity, an
alternative view of the hypothesis of the endogeneity of the money
supply]. Anais do XXVI Encontro Nacional de Economia, vol. 1, p. 23-44.
Vitória, ES, 8-11.12.98.

GERMER, C.M.  A gestação dos elementos do ‘padrão ouro-câmbio’ antes de I
Guerra Mundial e sua institucionalização no pós-guerra [The emergence of
the elements of the 'gold exchange standard' before World War I and its
institutionalization in the post war era]. Anais eletrônicos (CD) do III
Congresso Brasileiro de História Econômica. Curitiba, 29/8-1/9/1999.

GERMER, C.M. . Fundamentos da análise da receita pública na teoria de Marx
[Groundings of the analysis of the income of the state in Marx's theory].
Anais em CD do VII Encontro Nacional de Economia Política, promovido pela
Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Política, Curitiba, 30/5-1/6/2002.

> Papers on this topic by Claus and Akira can be
> downloaded at:
> See 1999 for Claus's paper and 2001 for Akira's.
> Of course, they might have written on these topics
> elsewhere as well.
> In solidarity, Jerry
>>> For a different perspective on the issue of the
>>> money commodity,
>>> see some of the writings of (OPE-L members) Claus
>>> Magno Germer
>>> and Akira Matsmoto.

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