(OPE-L) RE: Post-Keynesian Thought (PKT) -- 1993-2004 -- R.I.P.

From: Gerald_A_Levy@MSN.COM
Date: Thu Nov 11 2004 - 07:23:41 EST

Gary and Michael P,

Reasons have been suggested to me, but I don't know
the whole story.  Although the server at CSF was retired
(as Michael noted), I doubt that was the only reason.  
After all,  Ric Holt -- the former Editor of PKT -- should have
been able to find another server to distribute PKT posts if
he wanted to.  He could, for instance, have approached
Hans E about having the list hosted by the Utah server
(which would have made sense since Utah hosted a
duplicate site for the PKT archives).

The closing down of PKT, I have been told, coincided with
Ric taking off to work on the Kerry campaign.  Someone 
also suggested to me that Ric was tired of dealing with 
mountains of spam that he needed to filter, there had
been a gradual depreciation of the more intelligent and 
knowledgeable people on the list,  and an increasing 
domination by "various monetary cranks and lunatics".   
(The person who suggested these reasons to me cc'd 
Ric and he did not then reply which suggests to me that
there was probably some truth to these claims.)  
Also, if you look at the quantity of posts in the months leading 
up to the closure, you will see that it slowed down to a trickle.

There was, I have been told, no discussion on PKT about 
the ending of the list or a public announcement.  That was
most unfortunate.

The demise of PKT illustrates some of the problems in 
maintaining a healthy and serious discussion on an open list
(see Bill Mitchell's 1996 article on PKT which 
discusses some of those problems).  Even on closed 
lists, like OPE-L,  there can be problems.

In solidarity, Jerry

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