[OPE-L] Intervention. Journal of Economics No. 2

From: Gerald_A_Levy@MSN.COM
Date: Thu Jan 13 2005 - 16:35:45 EST

> Please reply to redaktion@zeitschrift-intervention.de
> ***************************
> Dear colleagues,
> In March 2004, the premier issue of "INTERVENTION. Journal of Economics"
> was published. Now the second issue of our German-English journal is
> available.
> INTERVENTION sees itself as a forum for heterodox approaches in economic
> theory and policy. The aims are mutual exchange and the discussion of
> different perspectives from different economic schools off the economic
> mainstream. The next issues will come out on a half-yearly basis in
> March/April and October/November, respectively.
> The contributions in the "Articles" section of the current issue are
> dedicated to questions of fiscal policy. The authors are Philip
> Arestis/ Malcolm Sawyer, Joerg Bibow, Jochen Hartwig, and Waltraud
> Schelkle. Additionally, the issue includes in its "Forum" section
> contributions on local finances, demographic developments,
> offshoring/re-shoring, all referring to developments in Germany. Also
> included is a contribution on EU tax competition and an interview with
> Kurt W. Rothschild. The Interview and abstracts of all articles may be
> downloaded at http://www.journal-intervention.org. There you can also
> find further information on the journal as well as subscription
> information.
> We would be very grateful if you would consider supporting INTERVENTION
> by starting a subscription. Also, please tell friends and colleagues
> about this new journal, and suggest a subscription to a librarian at
> your institution.
> With kind regards,
> Sabine Reiner
> for the Managing Editors

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