[OPE-L] the Death of Cyrus Bina's Father

From: OPE-L Administrator (ope-admin@ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu)
Date: Tue Mar 01 2005 - 10:58:29 EST

Dear Cyrus:

On behalf of everyone in the list I wish to offer our sincere
condolences over the death of your father.

I am forwarding the following political statement by Cyrus with his

You have reminded us, yet again, of the heavy personal cost often
associated with being a revolutionary socialist.  May the day come
soon when Iran will be socialist and you can return to visit your
family and friends there.

In solidarity, Jerry

    TO:             Judy Riley
    FROM:   Cyrus Bina
    RE:             Death of My Father
    DATE:           February 28, 2005

    Dear Judy:

    As a member of the faculty at the University of Minnesota, I wish to
covey this announcement to the campus community, and, if possible
send it to other campuses of the University as well.

            "My Dear Colleagues and Friends:

            I was informed that my father is passed away yesterday in
Iran. This is not usual occurrence    in the view of
advanced age and ailment. What is unusual, however, is that
since I departed     from Tehran's Mehrabad Airport in May
of 1971, we have not been able to each other. I have
since unable to go to Iran and visit my father, first for
being banned by the Shah of Iran (a   notorious dictator
that was brought back by a CIA coup in 1953, against the
democratic  government of Dr. Mossadegh), and second for
being blacklisted due to my political and  humanitarian
activities against the government of Islamic Republic in
Iran. The 1953 CIA coup   against Mossadegh-like many other
coups against the democratic governments in the "Third
 World"-has created a formidable political backlash that was
simmering for next 26 year or so    and that unfortunately
led to the emergence of Islamic government in Iran.  And,
guess what     my friends: despite all these terrible
consequences, not to mention the staggering human
costs, we Americans did, consciously or unconsciously, foot
the bill!

            I have not seen my father for nearly 35 years, and I cannot
even attend his funeral. Jalil Bina        was a retired
civil service employee at the Iranian Ministry of the
Interior; he died on Sunday,        February 27, 2005 in
Mash-had, Iran.

            Cyrus Bina


    Cyrus Bina, Ph.D.
    Distinguished Research Professor of Economics and Management
    206 Camden Hall
    University of Minnesota, Morris
    600 East 4th Street
    Morris, MN 56267-2132
    Office: (320) 589-6193/ 589-6200
    Fax:    (320) 589-6117
    E-mail: binac@morris.umn.edu
    Website: http://cda.morris.umn.edu/~binac/

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