Re: [OPE-L] Query to John Holloway: What's your position on the Bolivarian revolution?

From: glevy@PRATT.EDU
Date: Mon May 16 2005 - 09:15:11 EDT

> >    I think the jury is still
> > out about what the events there have demonstrated or "refuted".
> Why?

Michael L,

Because the situation is still in flux and is developing unevenly.  The
revolution is still in its early stages in terms of where it might go.
You (and others) can't reasonably make  any predictions about what
advances (or retreats or defeats) will happen in -- let's say -- the
next year, can you?   Your view about what events in Venezuela
demonstrate today will likely be different than our view on that
question 6 months or a year from now given the rapidly changing
> So, you think that John's assertions about the state, eg, as the
> assassin of hope, etc may be valid outside the Venezuelan case?


> Well, perhaps 'refuted' is not the best term. How about 'exposed'?
> Do you agree with the inference in my response to John that it is
> reasonable to conclude that someone who consistently held and acted
> on the basis of arguments in his book would logically be an opponent
> of the Bolivarian revolution? If not, why not?

I think I answered that, in a roundabout way, in a post yesterday.

> I hadn't really noticed that the zapatistas were under attack by
> imperialism. Did I miss the US efforts to get rid of them?

I plan on getting back to you on important this question soon.

In solidarity, Jerry

PS: I didn't see any identification on the "Chavez is the People"
placards in terms of  which group printed them.   At least in terms
of NYC,  my impression is that they were probably distributed by the
embassy.  I  agree that the slogan can have multiple meanings, but I
find it worrisome.  After all, if "Chavez is the people" and if someone
disagrees with Chavez, doesn't that suggest that one disagrees with
"the people"? Of course, by itself  the slogan proves nothing.  I
certainly didn't raise the issue to accuse Chavez of  anything  --
except perhaps of not recognizing how one of his quotes could be
(mis-) understood.  As the revolutionary process moves forward in
Venezuela,  there will be hopefully a ongoing healthy public discussion
and debate over goals, tactics and strategy.  Such a lively debate
presumes that the poor and working class look to themselves for answers
rather than to just one leader or party.   That shouldn't be a
controversial point, right?

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