[OPE-L] Scratching a niche

From: glevy@PRATT.EDU
Date: Fri May 27 2005 - 19:32:39 EDT

An article on independent, progressive book publishers.
In solidarity, Jerry

Book Issue - Feature

Scratching a niche

By Lisa Sorg

Indie, progressive presses target audiences looking for the stories behind
the headlines

If you check out prominent displays at major bookstore chains or
peruse best-sellers' lists, you will spot Thomas Friedman or Jon
Stewart placed on an endcap or hovering in The New York Times' Top 20.
Yet, as the corporate publishing world has become as predictable and
formulaic as fast food, meaty intellectual books (or more
daringly, those with leftist leanings - the blowfish of the book
world) have ceded to cotton candy: celebrity tell-alls, diet guides that
claim to hold the key to losing 15 pounds in 15 days, and
pop-religion tomes that will unveil the secrets of a meaningful life for
just $19.95.

The political, social, and economic upheavals of the 21st century - the
2000 and 2004 U.S. elections, the Iraq war, globalization, sexual
identity, environmental degradation, religious fanaticism - have
prompted hungry readers to look beyond corporate publishing houses to such
independent, progressive presses as Verso, AK, South End,
Haymarket, and Beacon. International in scope, unapologetically
leftist, even radical, these presses face financial and marketing
hurdles, but also grapple with internal challenges, such as retaining
authors, who, once popular, often join "the dark side" of corporate
publishing houses.

"While there are very difficult, challenging, and seemingly
overwhelming battles we're confronted with these days, we're
publishing books that have a message of change," says Anthony Arnove, who
worked at Boston's South End Press before joining Haymarket,
based in Chicago. Indicative of the incestuous world of indie
publishing, Arnove also co-edited a book, Voices of a People's
History of the United States, with Howard Zinn for Seven Stories
Press, a New York City imprint. "At the end of the day, a book can inform
you. What really counters cynicism is if you're engaged with other people
in the world. Reading a book will only sustain you for so long; what will
sustain you is working with other people who see the world the way you

For example, while Verso's Planet of the Slums, which examines the factors
behind the world's ghettos, poses problems, Haymarket's The World Social
Forum: Strategies of Resistance, offers solutions. In contrast, last fall,
major publishers churned out Bush-hating books faster than you can say
Patriot Act, but most of the tomes were
little more than exercises in venting.

"We critique dominant culture, but we have to offer an alternative," says
Amy Scholder, U.S. editor of Verso, which has offices in New
York and London. "It's easier to critique than to come up with a
viable plan that others will ascribe to. That's the challenge for the left."

But not the only one. Without an army of sales representatives, large
advertising budgets, and cross-country authors' tours, it is
difficult for indie presses to penetrate major book chains. Consumers are
also buying books at non-traditional outlets, including Costco, Wal-Mart,
and airport bookstores, whose giant economies of scale make them equally
elusive for the independent press. Moreover, it is
unlikely that a Wal-Mart clerk would feel comfortable recommending a
history of working-class radicalism or a Costco cashier could direct you
to AK Press' documentary on Northwest 'zines.

Instead, the indie press must rely on its small but dedicated retail
counterparts - indie booksellers, which are usually staffed by avid
readers with broad tastes. Moreover, progressive presses are tapping into
online communities of grassroots organizers, political junkies, and
information hounds who are primed to read, critique, and blog
about their favorite - or most despised - books.

"There are a lot of people right now frustrated with what's being
presented in mainstream media and are looking for alternative
voices," notes Arnove. "There's actually a very large audience trying to
get behind the headlines."

As media consolidation has decreased the number of voices with access to a
mainstream audience, so have the publishing conglomerates. A
1999 article in the Multi-National Monitor outlined how German
company Bertelsmann, which in 1998 owned Bantam-Doubleday-Dell,
bought Random House. By the time the deal was done, Bertelsmann had added
Random's subsidiaries to its stable: Knopf, Crown, Ballantine, Fodor's Del
Rey, Fawcett, Times, and Pantheon.

Viacom owns Simon & Schuster (as well as CBS, Comedy Central, and
MTV, among other media), and Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, which owns
Fox television, magazines, newspapers, and film companies, has expanded
into the book world to take over Harper-Collins and its
upstart, the successful Regan Books.

So when a writer such as Michael Moore breaks into a mainstream
publisher, as he did with Dude Where's My Country? (Warner Books) and Will
They Ever Trust Us Again? (Simon & Schuster) it's hard to know whether to
curse or applaud.

In a March 2005 article, "Sleeping with the enemy," published on
Alternet.org, a progressive website for syndicated and original
material, Jennifer Nix, editor-at-large for Chelsea Green Publishing, took
Moore to task for joining corporate publishers - the very ranks he and
other progressive writers vilify. "Why not make money for
yourselves and also funnel profits into strengthening independent
presses by giving us a chance to work with your names and ideas?" Nix
wrote. "No one is asking you to make less money, or to see your books die
on the vine due to a lack of publicity, marketing or
distribution. Book publishing has always been a crapshoot in
corporate hands, and it always will be. Why not align your efforts with
nimble, committed folks who are working to reform our media
while they sell books?"

Arnove says the battle is more nuanced than corporate versus indie. "If
people want bigger distribution and a more mainstream audience, I don't
think we should systematically oppose that strategy. If you
did, you would give up that ground to the right-wing."

He adds that indie publishers must demonstrate they can reach an
audience, and a loyal one at that, that Random House and Simon &
Schuster have written off.

"It's harder for us to break an author and it's hard to keep people on
board. It's controversial," Scholder says. "When I establish an author,
they can go on to a major house and support themselves. But people already
established will find readership regardless of who
publishes them."

The progressive presses excel at mixing classic and often
out-of-print texts such as Leon Trotsky's Literature and Revolution
(Haymarket) with topical analyses of President Bush's No Child Left Behind
Act (Beacon) and the connection between the corporatization of medicine
and deteriorating global health in Sickness and Wealth
(South End).

Indie publishers are also attracting a burgeoning youth market:
savvy, freethinking activists who enjoy history and narrative in
different forms. Published by Verso, Wobblies! A Graphic History of the
Industrial Workers of the World, combines text with elaborate
drawings to depict the labor struggles of the early and mid-20th
century. The graphic novel shows similarities between yesterday's and
today's labor issues, while engaging readers who may have been
immersed in manga or weaned on comic books.

Dave Zirin's What's My Name, Fool? goes beyond the banal locker room
banter into the politics of sports: Muhammad Ali's draft resistance, the
Battle of the Sexes in which tennis champion Billie Jean King
beat Bobby Riggs, Kobe Bryant's rape trial, and the bluster and graft
behind stadium-building.

"We wanted to broaden the appeal to readers who can't get through a
sheerly political or economic book," says Julie Fain, managing editor of
Haymarket Press. "They think of politics as Washington, D.C. and they
don't want anything to do with it. People are invested in the
personalities and the play of sports; it's a big part of culture and our
lives. But what should be fun and exciting has been twisted."

Unlike mainstream publishers, who measure success in terms of units sold,
the progressive press evaluates themselves by feedback from
activists and in incremental, but no less meaningful, social change.

"It's not just a sales question, although that's helpful in what
people respond to in a bookstore," says Fain. By publishing Civil
Rights in Peril: Targeting Arabs and Muslims, she adds, "people under the
gun in our society can say I'm glad somebody is there
representing our struggle. It's heartening to know people who are
affected by an assault on civil rights see that we've published a
book and given them confidence."

At Verso, Scholder also considers the qualitative effects of books as
important as the quantitative. "Change is the more significant part. We
are in the publishing business to add to the richness and
diversity and intellectual caliber of public discussion."

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