[OPE-L] Capital and Class conference

From: Gerald_A_Levy@MSN.COM
Date: Mon Aug 29 2005 - 10:27:57 EDT

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Roberts" <john.roberts@brunel.ac.uk>
Subject: Capital and Class conference

Dear All

Below and attached are details of a conference organised by The Conference
of Socialist Economists, publishers of the journal 'Capital and Class'. The
conference theme is 'Empire and Beyond' and will be held at Leeds
University, UK, 7-8 April 2006.

Best wishes,

Call for Papers

Empire and Beyond Conference
University of Leeds, UK
7-8 April 2006

Organised by The Conference of Socialist Economists, publishers of the
journal Capital and Class

In the last decade or so global capitalism has undergone a radical
transformation in a number of contradictory ways:

· Powerful imperialist states seem increasingly willing to cast away old
'containment' policies in favour of direct military operations around the
· These very same imperialist states have also increasingly justified their
military plunders under a new ideology of 'universal human rights', 'global
right', and the like
· Nation states around the world centralise power in order to co-ordinate
and mediate a number of local, national and global social networks
· The emergence of protectionist policies in the US coupled with a drive to
marketise the rest of the world through neo-liberal policies has had
profound consequences including increasing inequalities, poverty, political
corruption, state crime and economic crises
· Powerful technologies have emerged that discipline people through
seemingly anonymous networks of power
· New modes of global, national and local resistance have arisen to
challenge capitalist globalisation

The Left has provided some of the most cogent analyses of these processes,
the work of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri arguably being one of the most
well known. However, these debates are still ongoing and the re-election of
George W. Bush and the 'war on terror' demonstrates the urgency for those on
the Left to press forward the debate on these issues within the labour
movement and amongst groups working for a progressive, radical and
emancipatory politics.

To help continue and facilitate these debates the Conference of Socialist
Economists is holding a two-day conference at Leeds University, UK, around
the theme of Empire and Beyond. Issues to be discussed include:

· Empire and beyond: new imperialism for old?
· The restructuring of the state
· The state debate revisited
· New modes of governance and discipline
· Economic crises
· The political economy of neo-liberalism
· The relevance of post-structuralism for Marxist theory
· Anti-capitalist movements & networks of global resistance
· The changing nature of 'identity politics'
· Human rights and democracy in the world today
· Technology, environmentalism and globalisation
· Uneven and combined development: the South and globalisation
· The changing nature of the labour movement and class politics
· Globalisation and its impact upon (popular) culture
· The nature of socialism today

The cost for the conference will be:
Two nights full board plus one year subscription to Capital and Class £150
Two nights without subscription £130 (waged) or £65 (unwaged)
One night £80 (waged) or £40 (unwaged)
Day rate £20 (waged) or £10 (unwaged)

Please submit an abstract to present a paper or a proposal for a panel (3 to
4 speakers discussing an issue or theme) to cseconf@gn.apc.org by 3rd
October 2005

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