[OPE-L] Journal of Institutional Economics

From: glevy@PRATT.EDU
Date: Sat Oct 01 2005 - 09:15:53 EDT

----- Original Message -----
From: Geoffrey Hodgson
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2005 6:27 AM
Subject: Journal of Institutional Economics


The Journal of Institutional Economics achieves academic quality, article
visibility and a rapid service for authors

The first issue of the new Journal of Institutional Economics (JOIE)
(published by Cambridge University Press) appeared in June 2005. See


Our Track Record

Publication in JOIE can bring huge visibility for your work. JOIE is
widely available in its electronic version. One June 2005 article has
already had over 1200 full text downloads. The hard copy circulation of
the journal is over 500 and rapidly increasing.

Furthermore, the JOIE editors are maintaining a fast and efficient
reviewing process for authors.

As with most journals, some papers are rejected without being sent out to
referees. A remaining 89 papers have been processed (so far) after being
sent out to referees. In 58 per cent of these 89 cases the author(s) were
informed of a decision within 50 days. In 96 per cent of these 89 cases
the author(s) were informed of a decision within 90 days.

JOIE has served authors by providing a rapid decision in almost all cases.

JOIE is devoted to the study of the nature, role and evolution of
institutions in the economy, including firms, states, markets, money,
households and other vital institutions and organizations. It welcomes
contributions by all schools of thought that can contribute to our
understanding of the features, development and functions of real world
economic institutions and organizations.

Submission should be made by email and electronic attachment to the JOIE
Editor-in-Chief g.m.hodgson@herts.ac.uk

Notes For Contributors
All articles must be in English. They may be submitted by electronic means
only, in a single file. MSWord, WordPerfect and pdf files are acceptable,
up to a maximum size of 500kb.

There must be no indication of the personal identity or institution of any
author of the article within the article itself, or in the 'properties' of
the electronic file. Normally, articles (including footnotes and
references) must be no longer than 9,000 words. In special cases, such as
an extended review or survey article, this limit may be extended to 12,000
words. A declaration of the total word count (including footnotes and
references) must accompany or be within the article.

Papers with some formal content will be considered if it is fully
explained for a general readership, the mathematics is consigned as much
as possible to appendices, the assumptions have sufficient grounding in
reality, and the paper enhances our understanding of past, present, or
feasible socio-economic institutions. JOIE is not interested in the
advancement of formal or econometric technique for their own sake.

The front page of the electronic file of the article should include the
following information: the title; an abstract of the article of up to 150
words; the Journal of Economic Literature classification codes for the
article (consisting of a single letter followed by two numeric digits, see
www.aeaweb.org/journal/jel_class_system.html ); and up to six key words or
short phrases.

Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and the Harvard referencing system
should be used.

Submissions should be accompanied, in the email text or in a separate
file, with the following details: the name(s) of the author(s); the email
address of the corresponding author; and the institutional affiliation(s)
of the author(s).

Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it contains original
unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere.


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