Re: [OPE-L] Capital in General

From: Andrew Brown (A.Brown@LUBS.LEEDS.AC.UK)
Date: Tue Oct 18 2005 - 09:54:36 EDT

Nope. From the perpsective of the system as whole money, profit, wages and interest must (and do) all exist simultaneusly to value and surplus value. 
Value and surplus value must reflect themselves in money categories (essence must appear) which requires the simultaneous exitsence of those categories.
You probably have in mind thinking of a production period for the system as a whole, in which case as you say 'obviously' we have a temporal sequence. That is, taking a 'system-wide' perspective can mean different things depending on context.
I am engaging with, e.g. Michael L.'s recent post  (he argued for simultaneity), with Rakesh's posts and, more generally, considering the debates regarding value theory where a key point is whether and in what sense value exists prior to actual sale. Many deny that it does so. It then seems to me difficult to think in terms of a production period. How can we think in these terms (insofar as we are thinking of value production) if value doesn't exist prior to sale? Hence I am trying to answer this question whilst retaining the important insight that essence must appear.
Many thanks,


	the realisation of surplus value in its different forms is obviously
	temporal, the productive worker does not create rent per se. This is the
	case for the system as a whole and the individual circuit.
	Paul Bullock

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