[OPE-L] The Monstrous and the Dead

From: Jerry Levy (Gerald_A_Levy@MSN.COM)
Date: Fri Nov 04 2005 - 06:13:01 EST

The thread that never really dies. Via Andrew Chitty and the mpslist.
In solidarity, Jerry

Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 3:53 AM
Subject: Book announcement: The Monstrous and the Dead: Burke, Marx, Fascism

The Monstrous and the Dead: Burke, Marx, Fascism

Mark Neocleous

(University of Wales Press, Political Philosophy Now series, November 2005)

What is the political function of monstrosity? What is the nature of our
political relationship with the dead? Why are the undead so threatening?
In The Monstrous and the Dead, Mark Neocleous explores such questions as
they run through three major political traditions: conservatism, Marxism
and fascism.

One of the things uniting these otherwise opposing traditions is that they
share a common interest in the dead. This is therefore a book about the
politics of remembrance, showing that how and why the dead register in our
political lives constitutes a major dividing line for the political
traditions in question: are the dead to be reconciled with the living in a
conservative fashion, resurrected for the cause of fascism or are their
hopes and struggles to be redeemed for a communist future?

Exploring these issues reveals that, as well as leaving traces in memories,
dreams and unfulfilled wishes, the dead also generate fears, most notably
the fear that they are not really dead: they are undead and thus monstrous.
The book therefore simultaneously considers the function of monstrosity as
a rhetorical political device: in Burke's response to the monstrous
revolution, Marx's use of the vampire and fascism's concept of the
Marxist-liberal-Jewish menace.

The outcome is an original reading of key thinkers and movements in western
politics, a provocative account of the role of political metaphor, and an
eclectic argument concerning the place of the dead in historical struggles.

Mark Neocleous teaches politics at Brunel University, UK. His previous
books include Administering Civil Society: Towards a Theory of State Power
(1996), Fascism (1997), The Fabrication of Social Order: A Critical Theory
of Police Power (2000) and Imagining the State (2003). He is an editor of
Radical Philosophy.

Paperback 160 pp       £16.99
ISBN-13: 978-0-7083-1903-1
ISBN-10: 0-7083-1903-3

Hardback       £35.00
ISBN-13: 978-0-7083-1904-8
ISBN-10: 0-7083-1904-1

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