[OPE-L] CFP for Active Marxist Economists - Shanghai University

From: Jerry Levy (Gerald_A_Levy@MSN.COM)
Date: Tue Nov 15 2005 - 13:29:56 EST

----- Original Message -----
From: "Germai Medhanie" <urpe@igc.org>
To: "URPE Announcements" <urpe-announcements@lists.econ.utah.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 12:16 PM
Subject: [URPE] Call for Papers for Active Marxist Economists -

 Call for Papers for Active Marxist Economists
from "Economic Globalization and Modern Marxist Economics"

 ??the First Conference of the International Association for Political

 "Economic Globalization and Modern Marxist Economics"?? the first
of the International Association for Political Economy, will be held under
auspices of the International Association for Political Economy (which was
authorized by Hong Kong government of China in the year of 2004) and
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.
1. The topic of the conference. Besides the subject "Economic Globalization
and Modern Marxism Economics", there will also be discussions about the
future organization, the association directors and plans of academic
research of the International Association for Political Economy.

2. The schedule of the conference. Participants should arrive on April 1st,
2006 (Saturday) and the conference will last from April 2st to April 3nd,
after which the participants will be shown around Shanghai and cities

3. The conference venue. The conference will be held in Shanghai University
of Finance and Economics in No.777 Guoding Road, Shanghai (PC: 200433) and
in the hotel.

 4. The conference expense.

 ?1?Please pay 300 dollars on arrival, which is for food and drinks, the
publication of the papers, the office supplies of the conference, and the
cost of meeting and seeing-off at the airport.

 ?2?Hotel accommodation, air tickets, and the tour of Shanghai and cities
nearby will be paid by the participants themselves. You can choose among the
following single-rooms: 200 dollars per day (the high-class), 150 dollars
per day (the high-and-middle class), 100 dollars per day ( the
middle-class), and 50 dollars per day (the common one).

 5. Application matters. Please apply by email before January
10th,2006.?Cards postmarked not later than that day will be accepted?. The
formal invitation will be sent by January 20th,2006.  Please email to both
of the following email addresses: hpjjx@vip.163.com (The recipient is Ding
Xiaoqin), and zhukui1974@hotmail.com(The recipient is Zhu Kui). Please send
us your curriculum vitae including information of your name, the profession,
the title, any social jobs, telephone number, E-mail address, published
papers and any other necessary information in the email.

 6. The submission of the papers. Except for emergency (must be explained in
advance), generally, the papers (the electronic edition, in Chinese or
English) should be submitted by email before the deadline for the
application. The judging committee will choose among them and send the
All the Marxist economists around the world are welcome to the conference,
especially those who are in charge of any economics association of Marxist
Economics, so that we can cooperate with each other to discuss the
organization and activities of the International Association for Political
Economy, and also we can improve the exchange among the economists and
associations, and strengthen the influence of Marxist Economics in other
countries and even over the whole world.

 The Secretarial Office of the International Association for Political
Marxism Research Institute of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
                                                  October 10th, 2005

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