Re: [OPE-L] price of production/supply price/value

From: Paul Cockshott (wpc@DCS.GLA.AC.UK)
Date: Fri Feb 24 2006 - 08:31:04 EST

Ian Wright wrote:

>Hi Paul
>I haven't got good answers to your questions regarding dynamic
>multi-sector models and the correct level of abstraction. This is not
>an area I have studied. I believe getting the right conservation
>relations are a precondition for causal theories. The TP is a kind of
>non-conservation result.
>>It would be extraordinarily difficult to construct a dynamic model
>>using physical quantities where the least perturbation would not
>>break the equal rate of profit.
>I was thinking that the model should include capital reallocation, as
>per the classicals.
One can do that but it makes it even more complex to design.

>>One can not construct a dynamic model including physical quantities
>>without also modelling stocks of finished products - either held by
>>a wholesaling sector or by the original manufactureres.
>Why is that? Why not -- to begin with at least -- only flows?
Without buffer stocks, you would have to assume what you need to show.
Suppose an industry is producing 5% more than total usage of its output
what happens to the extra output?

>>From attempts to build dynamic Sraffa inspired models in the
>>past I note that it is very hard to get a price adjust ment mechanism
>>that is stable - i.e, does not produce wild fluctuations in prices that
>>can lead to whole industries going out of business.
>Aren't there some theoretical results on price/quantity instability in
>multi-sector models?

Paul Cockshott
Dept Computing Science
University of Glasgow

0141 330 3125

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