Re: [OPE-L] Robert Owen

From: Dogan Goecmen (Dogangoecmen@AOL.COM)
Date: Sat Oct 21 2006 - 07:27:03 EDT

Hi Jerry,
I agree with you. Since Marx's Capital (4 volumes) is about the  
contradictory nature of capital one has to read the whole work to have a  complete picture 
of the issue. But I think the very nature of 'give me that  and I will give 
this' is essentailly analysed in the first chapter. I have  discussed the 
nature of the market and its relation to a more or less developed  socialism. I 
agree with you that some elements of the market can be tolarated in  a transitory 
period from capitalism to socialism. But in the long term market as  such 
must be overcome because it is the negation of socialism.
In einer eMail vom 21.10.2006 13:11:35 Westeuropäische Sommerzeit schreibt  

Hi Dogan:
If the issue is whether markets are part of the emancipatory 
mission of Utopian societies, I think one has to go _at least_
a few chapters _beyond_ Chapter 1 of Volume I of _Capital_.  
In the formula M - C - M' one can, for instance, see problems
for such utopias: i.e. the outcome of  'market utopias' are
different for different segments and hence there tends to be
increasing differences in income and wealth distribution.  Yet,  
surely,  solidarity and equality are two of the hallmarks of  Utopias,
so the market produces outcomes which come into conflict
with these socialist principles.  This does not mean that  markets
can not be tolerated in socialist societies but that the  dangers
(of which there are many, including what mainstream economists
call "market failures") have to be recognized and there have to 
be workable policies to ensure that emancipatory principles are  
preserved and reinforced.
In solidarity, Jerry

By  'market in itself' I mean that we can develop an objective understanding 
of  market independently from what all sorts of ideologies say about and 
ascribe  to it. I mean the question we have to pose is this: what is the nature of  
market. Based on this objective grasp we can then judge about these  
ideologies whether they are right or wrong. Market is an institution where  humans get 
in touch with one another for a certain purpose: the exchange of  
commodities. That is to say that human relations on market are mediated by  commodities - 
either directly or indirectly by means of money. So, the  question what is 
the nature of market changes into the question what is the  nature of commodity 
and money.The analysis of commodity and money must then  be analysed in terms 
of human relation because commodities are being  exchanged by human beings. 
These questions are profoundly posed and  analysed, I think, in the first 
Chapter of the Capital of Marx. This is my  reply to your two questions in short. 


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