Re: [OPE-L] SV: [OPE-L] SV: [OPE-L] what is irrational in the functioning of ...

From: Dogan Goecmen (Dogangoecmen@AOL.COM)
Date: Tue Nov 28 2006 - 08:38:08 EST

In einer eMail vom 28.11.2006 13:50:55 Westeuropäische Normalzeit schreibt  

Hi  Dogan,
First I tried to  reply to all your questions, but they deserve more 
attention than I can  afford. I am sorry about this, I would like to return to them 
however, at some  other time. I can only say this much. You wrote (and I think 
this  summarizes the debate):
"How do you think about this  contradiction? Is it rational compared to the 
aims of production? Is it  rational compared to the interests of society. Is it 
just a matter of the view  one happens to take or are able to make a more 
objective  evaluation."
The contradiction we  see, is, I believe, real. To ask if it is rational or 
not makes little  sense to me, this is how the system works. Bottomline, I 
think Marx' critique  is ethical. We do not "happen" to take certain views, the 
way we regard  society is a result of each person's struggle, intellectually as 
well as in  society. To strive for what you label "objective evaluation" makes 
little  sense to me. This, atleast, is the way I see  it.  
Many kind regards,

Hi Martin,
I thank you very much for summarising my views and questions. If you assert  
this contradiction, then I think we have a huge common ground to continue our  
conversation. The assertion of this contradition is not Marx's original  
contribution. Long before Marx it was already asserted by Ricardo, Owen and many  
other political economist and socialist activists. Even Malthus does not deny  
this. From my philosophical background however it makes only sense to assert 
a  contradition if you are prepared to say something about it from normative 
point  of view. Otherwise, I would not understand our role as social 
scientists,  political economists, political theorists and son if we just assert the  
contradition, because everyone experience this contradiction in one way or  
another in their everyday life. So I mean evry one knows it. So, in  turn, it does 
not make a sense to me to reassert something that  everyone kwons. As 
intellectuals, I think, we have to say something more about  it. For example what 
is(are) its cause(s) and are there possible solutions.  Would you agree with me 
on this?
Warm regards
P.S: Sorry for misspellings and leftouts in my previous  email.

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