[OPE-L] marx on invisible hand

From: Dogan Goecmen (Dogangoecmen@AOL.COM)
Date: Sat Dec 02 2006 - 07:14:46 EST

Hi everybody,
I came accross a passage in the Grundrisse, that may be seen as a critique  
of the notion of the 'invisible hand'. As A. O. Hirschman has shown this  
notion was broadly used by almost all philosophers since the 16th century in  
Europe. I think that this notion can even be traced back to Aristotle's  conception 
of 'unmoved mover" and followed up to Hegel. Christopher Hill argued  that 
this notion played at one point in history a progressive role and  not  only in 
the interests of ruling classes but also in the interests of  subordinated 
classes.   I have only the Greman version of the  Grundrisse. So I tried to 
translate the passage into English. I hope it is up to  your standards! 
In the chapter on money Marx talks about mutual dependence of production  and 
so on.
Diese wechselseitige Abhängigkeit ausgedrückt in der beständigen  
Notwendigkeit des Austauschs und in dem Tauschwert als allseitigem Vermittler.  Die 
Ökonomen drücken das so aus: Jeder verfolgt sein Privatinteresse und nur  sein 
Privatinteresse; und dient dadurch, ohne es zu wollen und zu wissen, den  
Privatinteressen aller, den allgemeinen Interessen. Der Witz besteht nicht  darin, 
daß, indem jeder sein Privatinteresse verfolgt, die Gesamtheit der  
Privatinteressen, also das allgemeine Interesseerreicht wird. Vielmehr könnte  aus dieser 
abstrakten Phrase gefolgert werden, daß jeder wechselseitige die  
Geltendmachung des Interesses der andern hemmt, und statt einer algemeinen  Affirmation, 
vielmehr eine allgemeine Negation aus diesem bellum ommium contra  omnes 
(K. Marx, Grundrisse der Kritik der politischen Ökonomie, Berlin: Dietz  
Verlag  1953, p. 74)
This mutual dependence expressed by the permanent necessity of  exchange  and 
by the value in exchange as all-round mediator. The  economists express this 
as follows: everyone pursues his/her private interest  and only his/her 
private interest; and in so doing [he/she] serves the private  interests of all, 
without wanting it, without knowing it. The joke does not  consist in that that, 
while everyone pursues his/her private interest, the whole  of private 
interests, that is, general interest is achieved. On the contrary, it  can be 
concluded from this abstract phrase that everyone hinders mutually the  realisation 
of the interest of others, and instead a general affirmation, there  results 
from this bellum ommuim contra omnes a general negation.
Cheers, Dogan

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