Re: [OPE-L] Globalization and Oil

From: Rakesh Bhandari (bhandari@BERKELEY.EDU)
Date: Wed Feb 21 2007 - 16:48:35 EST

What a gift from Cyrus. May I recommend that we ask whether Cyrus would be
interested in conducting a seminar on these two papers in say three weeks
which should give us time to think through the papers?


> *Attached* are two articles by Cyrus on globalization and oil (one
> theoretical, another empirical; one co-written).
> He has also written a short piece on the 4th anniversary of US invasion of
> Iran and has indicated that he will send it to me for distribution to
> OPE-L once he recives a published copy.
> He has been following recent discussions on the list with interest but
> doesn't have time now to intervene.
> In solidarity, Jerry

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