[OPE-L] [Fwd: my new book on globalization]

From: Cyrus Bina (binac@MORRIS.UMN.EDU)
Date: Wed Feb 21 2007 - 20:17:05 EST

Dear OPE-Lers:

I am forwarding this announcement concerning a new publication
(Globalization and the Myth of Free Trade) edited by Anwar Shaikh.

Kind Regards,


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        my new book on globalization
Date:   Sat, 17 Feb 2007 16:03:10 -0500
From:   Anwar Shaikh <shaikh@newschool.edu>
To:     <glevy@acnet.pratt.edu>, "Jesus Felipe" <jfelipe@adb.org>, "Jane
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<gch3@cam.ac.uk>, "John McCombie" <jslm2@cam.ac.uk>, "Murray J. Milgate"
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"Victor Hugo Klagsbrunn" <klagsbru@carioca.br>, "Branko Milanovic"
<Bmilanovic@ceip.org>, "Michel Juillard"
<michel.juillard@cepremap.cnrs.f>, "Dominique Levy"
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<jankregel@yahoo.com>, "Martin Abeles" <martinabeles@yahoo.com>, "Scott
Carter" <scott3800@yahoo.com>

Dear Folks

I have a new edited book out called Globalization and the Myths of Free
Trade. I think it is a useful and timely critique of globalization by
some very well known heterodox economists. Please take a look at the
flyer for the book, and the Introduction (written by myself) which
describes the various contributions. And if you think it is worthwhile,
please order it for the library at least. A paperback might be in the
offing if there is sufficient interest. As always, comments are most


Anwar Shaikh
Department of Economics
Graduate Faculty
New School University
65 Fifth Avenue
Room 354
New York, N.Y. 10003
Tel: 212 229-5717 x3051
Fax: 212 229-5724
Email: shaikh@newschool.edu
Homepage: http://homepage.newschool.edu/~AShaikh

FN:Anwar Shaikh

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