[OPE-L] SV: [OPE-L] Che's/martinez's Economics

From: Martin Kragh (Martin.Kragh@HHS.SE)
Date: Tue May 08 2007 - 05:38:26 EDT

Hi all,

Paul wrote:
Why is this idea naive?"

Most people would associate the "failings of hitherto existing
socialism" more with party dictatorship, political repression and
censorship - not so much the (presumed) existence of the wage form. I
thus agree with Juriaan that the statement is pretty naive.

It appears to me to be a direct attempt to apply the marxist method to
analysing the mode of production in the USSR Marx said that the key to
any society was its mode of surplus extraction, to understand hithertoo
existing socialist society one first has to discover its specific mode
of surplus extraction.

Marx in my opinion was a very complex thinker, and I do not think such a
reductionist approach to analyzing society in his name is possible.
Sure, how the surplus is distributed in any society is a key feature,
but it is not the only one. If you make it so, you would not be able to
tell any difference between different forms of capitalism for example.

Kind regards

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