[OPE-L] _Historical Materialism_ Issue 15.3

From: GERALD LEVY (gerald_a_levy@MSN.COM)
Date: Mon Nov 26 2007 - 07:16:26 EST

From: sebastien.budgen@wanadoo.frDate: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 
Subject: Announcing Issue 15.3 of HISTORICAL MATERIALISM

Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory Announcing issue 15.3 Historical Materialism Research in Critical Marxist Theory Volume 15 Issue 3 2007 __________________________________CONTENTSArticlesPaolo VirnoGeneral IntellectAxel Kiciloff & Guido Starosta 
On Materiality and Social Form: A Political Critique of Rubin’s Value-Form TheorySymposium on Ellen Meiksins Wood’s ‘Empire of Capital’Paul Blackledge Editorial IntroductionDavid Harvey
In What Ways Is the ‘New Imperialism’ Really New?William I. RobinsonThe Pitfalls of Realist Analysis of Global Capitalism: A Critique of Ellen Meiksins Wood’s Empire of CapitalPrasenjit Bose
‘New’ Imperialism? On Globalisation and Nation-StatesFrançois Chesnais
The Economic Foundations and Needs of Contemporary ImperialismEllen Meiksins Wood
A Reply to CriticsInterventionSam Moyo & Paris YerosThe Zimbabwe Question and the Two LeftsReview ArticlesWolfgang-Fritz Haugon Jan Rehmann’s 'Postmoderner Links-Nietzscheanismus. Deleuze &Foucault. Eine Dekonstruktion' Richie Nimmoon 'Marx and Wittgenstein: Knowledge, Morality and Politics', editedby Gavin Kitching and Nigel PleasantsAlexander Gallason Joachim Bischoff’s 'Entfesselter Kapitalismus: Transformation deseuropaischen Sozialmodells' and 'Klassen und soziale Bewegungen:Strukturen im Kapitalismus', edited by Joachim Bischoff, PaulBoccara, Robert Castel and Klaus Dorre Daniel Gaidoon Oliver Nachtwey’s 'Weltmarkt und Imperialismus: ZurEntstehungsgeschichte der klassischen marxistischen Imperialismustheorie'by Oliver Nachtwey Historical-Critical Dictionary of MarxismJohn Bellamy FosterEarthhistoricalmaterialism@soas.ac.uk www.brill.nl/hima ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE. HISTORICAL MATERIALISM - Research in Critical Marxist Theory 4 ISSUES PER YEAR ISSN 1465-4466 .............. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: List price Individuals: EUR 47.- / US$ 60.- List price Institutions: EUR 239.- / US$ 304.- This journal is also available as an online only subscription. List price Institutions: EUR 215.- / US$ 274.- PRICE INCLUDES ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE ISSUES ALSO AVAILABLE, AT EUR 17 / US$ 22. Prices do not include VAT (applicable only to residents of the Netherlands and residents of other EU member states without a VAT registration number). US dollar prices are valid only for customers in Canada, USA and Mexico. Please note that due to fluctuations in the exchange rate, the US dollar amounts charged to credit card holders may vary slightly from the prices advertised. For all subscription enquiries, write to brill@turpin-distribution.com For all subscription problems, write tohistoricalmaterialism@soas.ac.uk .............. P.O. BOX 9000 2300 PA LEIDEN THE NETHERLANDS TEL: +31 (0)71 53 53 566 FAX: +31 (0)71 53 17 32 E-MAIL: cs@brill.nl WWW.BRILL.NL

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