> But WHICH rate of profit and WHICH THEORY of the rate of profit?
> Whether or not this theorem is true depends on one’s theory of the rate
> of profit. It may be true for one theory of the rate of profit, but
> not true for other theories of the rate of profit.
> The TSSI and the Okishio theorem are based on DIFFERENT rates of
> profit. The Okishio theorem is based on linear production theory and
> simultaneous determination and the TSSI is based on temporal
> determination. The Okishio theorem is true in terms of its own theory
> of the rate of profit, but it is not true in terms of the temporal
> theory of the rate of profit. As Anders said in a recent post: “The
> premises of Okishio is clearly different from Marx’s.” 

Hi Fred:

There are many theories of profit rate determination, including (but not limited to) :

a) Okishio's  theory of the profit rate. 

b) the TSS theory of the profit rate.

c) Marx's theory of the profit rate.

You are saying above that a) and b) are different.  I agree with you. In any event, that's
obvious and non-controversial.

However, for the TSSI claims to have validity --  since it claims to be an interpretation 
of Marx -- b) must equal c).    If b) does not equal c) then -- even if  a) does not equal c)
--  the TSSI claims fail. 

In solidarity, Jerry