[OPE-L] American politics...

From: Jurriaan Bendien (adsl675281@TISCALI.NL)
Date: Wed Jan 30 2008 - 19:44:34 EST

"How exactly does it work? How does legitimate self-confidence become wildly inflated self-regard? How does self respect become unblinking conceit? How exactly does one's character become destabilized in Washington?" http://www.opinionjournal.com/columnists/pnoonan/?id=110006884

"Chicago's "Slum Landlord to the Stars," Tony Rezko, was arrested for some "slum landlord" crime on Monday. Although Barack Obama, his ol' pal from the community organizing days in the South Side, had claimed to not really have any interaction with this guy, he is now taking $150,000+ in Rezko-tainted donations and giving them to Charity, and this is a Hopeful Change. Chris Matthews and various Obamatards around the world will likely blame this on Hillary Clinton, because that's what they do when their own candidate has fucked up. [Chicago Sun-Times]" http://wonkette.com/search/Barack%20Obama/

"It's the two-party system, triumphant." http://www.pierretristam.com/Bobst/07/cn070607.htm

"Lastly, Rove argued that the Republican candidate must show the electorate "that they understand the surge is working." Rove said the candidate should get firmly behind the war effort, painting the Democratic nominee as "defeatist." http://thehill.com/campaign-2008/rove-previews-strategies-against-clinton-obama-2008-01-16.html

"In an interview for the new book "The Evangelical President," White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten said Bush has "been urging candidates: 'Don't get yourself too locked in where you stand right now. If you end up sitting where I sit, things could change dramatically.' " Bolten said Bush wants enough continuity in his Iraq policy that "even a Democratic president would be in a position to sustain a legitimate presence there." "Especially if it's a Democrat," the chief of staff told The Examiner in his West Wing office. "He wants to create the conditions where a Democrat not only will have the leeway, but the obligation to see it out." http://www.examiner.com/a-953145~Bush_quietly_advising_Hillary_Clinton__top_Democrats.html

In 2003, Zbigniew Brzezinski said: "And what is sovereignity in this day and age ? Sovereignity is a concept, but it's a relative concept. If there was a provisional government of Iraq, we could
give it symbolic sovereignity and it would help it to gain legitimacy, thereby reducing the need for an assertive occupation." http://www.csis.org/features/031003_brzezinski.pdf

I'm afraid of Americans
I'm afraid of the world
I'm afraid I can't help it
I'm afraid I can't
I'm afraid of Americans
I'm afraid of the world
I'm afraid I can't help it
I'm afraid I can't
Yeah, I'm afraid of Americans
I'm afraid of the words
I'm afraid I can't help it
I'm afraid I can't
I'm afraid of Americans
God is an American
God is an American

- David Bowie, 'Fraid of Americans


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