Re: [OPE] Unified Socialist Party of Venezuela internal ballot.

Date: Tue Mar 11 2008 - 10:24:07 EDT

>> Democracy has historically taken different forms in different
>> formations and that is a fact. At issue is: who
decides which form? 
>> Is it the workers and poor themselves,
the intelligentsia, or some 
>> other group? 
> The
original meaning and forms of the term has to be determined by 
historical research. Then it is a matter of opinion of how inclusive the

> term should be. I prefer being more precise here, calling it
> democracy' which has two distinguishing features:
decision making by an 
> Assembly of citizens and representative
bodies drawn by lot. 

Hi Dave Z:

So, 'classical
democracy' wasn't also distinguished by the denial of 
democratic rights to slaves and women?  Taken within the long
- especially as it relates to the empowerment of women - the
Socialist Party of Venezuela is far more democratic
than Athenian 
democracy ever was.

In solidarity,

ope mailing list

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