[OPE] Mammouth work on Marx translations grinds to a crawl in China

From: glevy@pratt.edu
Date: Fri Mar 14 2008 - 09:41:37 EDT

Mammoth work on Marx translations grinds to a crawl in China 

Asia World News 

Beijing - Work in China on the
first direct translation from the German of the complete works of Karl
Marx has hit a hurdle as the world marks the 125th anniversary of the
death of the "father of communism."The 60 volumes of the second
Chinese-language edition of "The Complete Works of Marx and
Engels" won't be completed in the foreseeable future because of
shortages of staff and young personnel, said Jiang Renxiang, a department
head in the Communist Party's translation office in Beijing. 

"Progress is slow," Jiang said 125 years after Marx died on
March 14, 1883, after writing such political and economic works as Das
Kapital and The Communist Manifesto, which he penned with fellow German
Friedrich Engels. 

So far, the first 20 volumes have been
completed and the work on those alone took 18 years, Jiang said. 

The main reason behind the delay is the lack of new qualified
translators, he said, adding that it takes eight to 10 years to train
competent talent. 

In addition, 18 of the department's 35
qualified translators are now working on the compilation of the 10 volumes
of Marx's selected works. Those 10 books were to be published last year,
but their release has been delayed until winter 2008 or early 2009. 

Today, there is no direct translation of Marx's complete works
into Chinese. The first edition was based on a translation of his writings
into Russian from the 1950s. 

Jiang said that initial work is
incomplete and does not meet academic muster. The new edition contains
additional explanations and material, he said. 

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