[OPE] estimating the severity and duration of a capitalist economic crisis

From: Jerry Levy (jerry_levy@verizon.net)
Date: Tue Mar 18 2008 - 08:24:57 EDT

How *from a Marxian perspective* can one empirically estimate the
*range* for the length (in months) and severity (using various units of measurement) of a capitalist economic crisis?  What are *from a Marxian perspective* the most important variables that one should look at?   What assumptions should be made in the specification of the model? How would such a model differ from a "standard" forecasting model?

Of course, if anyone on the list wants to make these questions less abstract by focusing on the current contraction, you are more than welcome to do so.  There are many millions of workers globally now who would like to know answers to these questions and they shouldn't rely only on mainstream economists for answers.

In solidarity, Jerry
ope mailing list

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