Re: [OPE] Anwar Shaikh on GDP and income distribution

Date: Wed Mar 19 2008 - 14:07:44 EDT

>  Anwar Shaikh has a track record of excellent papers. 

Hi Dave Z and Jurriaan:

I agree.  Equally
impressive is the  *range* of topics which he has written
over the years.  He should also be commended
for  - over a period
of many decades - writing both about 
Marxian theory,  engaging and 
critiquing other
schools of thought, and doing empirical research. As a
former New
School student, I think I would be remiss in not also 
mentioning the fact that he has helped  mentor many economic
who have gone on to make original
contributions.  Like Anwar, most of 
those former students
have undertaken Marxian empirical research.
All in all, I think it's
quite a legacy - and he's not done yet.

In solidarity, Jerry

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