Re: [OPE] Dialectics for the New Century -money and the state

From: paul bullock (
Date: Sat Apr 12 2008 - 17:00:38 EDT


the btopic of money in non capitalist states is really important to reconsider if  we are thinking of  post capitalist or transition processes, tghis is why I am concerned here with the further past.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: Outline on Political Economy mailing list 
  Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 12:16 AM
  Subject: RE: [OPE] Dialectics for the New Century -money and the state

    > Paul C and I are discussing pre capitalist relations and the development of money. 

    Paul B:

    So both of you agree that this topic has no bearing whatsoever on 
    the topic of  monetary relations and the state under conditions
    of capitalist social relations? The question of a "state theory of money"
    (something that was most certainly part of this thread) is not just a 
    historical question but also concerns the present and the manner in 
    which the value-form and the state (and all relevant topics) are theorized. 
    It was to that topic that my comments were directed.

    In solidarity, Jerry


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