Re: [OPE] Is Larry Elliot right?

From: <>
Date: Fri Sep 12 2008 - 13:06:25 EDT


The City of London - ie Britain's financial sector. I got the quote from
Hywell Williams from The Guardian as well.

Re the Labour Party - it always was an imperialist party see Robert Clough
Labour: A party fit for imperialism - Larkin Publications 1992 , which
argues the point in great detail. a useful article of his online is Labour
Party 100 years of infamy

Please do not quote Lenin's position, as even his argument re the Labour
Party would have only held until after The General Strike in 1926.

David Yaffe

At 12:23 12/09/2008 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi David:
>When you write "the City" I think you mean the "City of London", but
>I'm not sure. Do you mean London or urban areas in Britain?
>Here's a link to the article you referred to:
> > the Labour Party has always served the interests of British
> > imperialism throughout its long and appaling history.
>So you don't think that the Labour Party was _ever_ a working-class
>political party whose candidates were deserving of critical and
>conditional support?
>In solidarity, Jerry
>ope mailing list

ope mailing list
Received on Fri Sep 12 13:08:32 2008

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