Hi Alejandro:
The source for (mis-) information matters. Here's a link
to an article from 2006 on Haiti and HRW in which
the HRH's mis-information regarding Chavez is discussed.
The article discusses the HRW's record of double standards
(hypocrisy). If you are going to be critical of the Chavez
government and the Bolivarian Revolution, then I think you
need to come up with better sources than the CIA and their
cohorts like the HRW.
As for your other point, I would not dismiss the prospect of a
US invasion. More likely, they give material aid and support
and plan the logistics of a coup, immediately recognize the
legitimacy of the new government, and send in military
'advisors' and/or US troops to help "stabilize" the new government.
This could happen in Bolivia and it could happen in Venezuela.
I doubt that such a plan would succeed because of the popular support
of the Morales and Chavez governments, but the US government
might think otherwise. Sometimes their ideology blinds them to
the practical obstacles in their path. The Bush regime might want to
go out- quite literally - with a bang.
Insofar as military invasion and occupation is concerned, size matters.
It's one thing to invade Grenada (in the 1980s under Reagan), it's
another thing to invade Iran or Venezuela. But, Iraq is a good size
nation (although much smaller and weaker militarily than Iran) and they
invaded it anyway.
In solidarity, Jerry
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Received on Fri Sep 19 08:53:50 2008
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