[OPE] Classic statement of the poverty of contemporary ideology...

From: Jurriaan Bendien <adsl675281@tiscali.nl>
Date: Fri Sep 26 2008 - 15:59:53 EDT

>From the FT September 25 2008:

"The current crisis is routinely described as a symptom of deregulation, but it is equally the child of earlier, ill-fated interventions. Subprime mortgages grew because the prime mortgage sector was dominated by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two institutions founded, regulated and effectively underwritten by the government. Securitisation was an effort to sidestep capital requirements. But it also created instruments that few could understand and, in Warren Buffett's prophetic words, really were " financial weapons of mass destruction". Capital markets clearly need better regulation but policymakers should guard against unintended consequences. Markets are places of trial and, very frequently, error. Their genius is not perfect efficiency, but the rewarding of success and the weeding out of failure. No better alternative has ever presented itself. This is a difficult time to defend free markets. Nevertheless they must be defended, not only on their matchless record when it comes to raising living standards, but on the maxim that it is wise to let adults exercise their own judgment. Market freedom is not a "fundamentalist religion". It is a mechanism, not an ideology, and one that has proved its value again and again over the past 200 years. The Financial Times is proud to defend it - even today." http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/38893fa6-8bfc-11dd-8a4c-0000779fd18c.html

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Received on Fri Sep 26 16:05:48 2008

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