From: Gerald Levy <>
Date: Sat Nov 01 2008 - 20:04:32 EDT

The following is a list of subscribers who have sent posts to the list in the
last eleven (11) months. They are listed in alphabetical order by last name.

I will not be part of the 'pool' since I am currently the list coordinator. However,
if you count my participation, then there has been a 'participation rate' of
55.21% (i.e. 53 of 96 subscribers have authored posts) during that time period.

This information is being provided to you not to embarass any listmembers but
so you can check to see if you are currently included in the 'pool'. If you
are not listed below, PLEASE send a post to the list (on any subject) by
12/01/08 to be included in the pool.

***Another item***: if you have suggestions about which computer program to use
to do the random selection, please contact me off-list. It would be helpful
if there were a couple of volunteers to do this. So that everyone can have
the highest confidence in the fairness of the procedure, I will not be one
of those who runs the computer program which does the radom selection.

In solidarity, Jerry


1. Adler
2. Agafanow
3. Amin
4. Andrews
5. Arthur
6. Bellofiore
7. Bendien
8. Bina
9. Bond
10. Bullock
11. Callari
12. Cavalieri
13. Cerni
14. Cipolla
15. Cockshott
16. Cottrell
17. Dong-Min
18. Dunn
19. Ekeland
20. Eldred
21. Engelskirchen
22. Germer
23. Goecmen
24. Guerrero
25. Heinrich
26. Holloway
27. Hunt
28. Kragh
29. Laibman
30. Lapavitsas
31. Lee
32. Marina
33. McDonough
34. Milios
35. Mohun
36. Mongiovi
37. Musto
38. Pahl
40. Ranganayakama/Bapuji
41. Reuten
42. Saad-Filho
43. Schauerte
44. Smith, T
45. Tinker
46. Valle Baeza
47. Vienneau
48. Williams
49. Wright
50. Yaffe
51. Zacariah
52. Zarembka

[53 Levy - not in pool]

ope mailing list
Received on Sat Nov 1 20:09:55 2008

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