Re: [OPE] Services (->Paula)

From: Ian Wright <>
Date: Tue Jan 13 2009 - 18:33:12 EST

Hi Paula

> My view is that it *does* matter
> whether or not "material objects" are produced, since abstract labor must be
> embodied in commodities that, regardless of their use-value, are
> exchangeable with each other on the market, and therefore have an objective
> existence between the moment of production and the moment of consumption. A
> service, on the other hand, is a use-value (come to think of it, a stricter
> definition would be: a service is the realization of use-value); it's not a
> value, and therefore it's not exchangeable or commensurable with other
> products; it has no objective existence separately from the act of
> consumption.

I pay the barber to cut my hair. He cuts my hair and produces a
haircut on my head, which has an objective existence distinct from the
act of haircutting. The haircut exists long after this exchange of
labor and money.

I pay a priest for admittance to his Sunday service. He preaches to me
and produces some ideas in my head, which have an objective existence
distinct from the act of preaching. My Christian-minded ideas persist
long after this exchange of labor and money.

Define "material objects". Suggest clear, classificatory criteria for
distinguishing between products of labor that are to count as
"material" and products that should not.

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Received on Tue Jan 13 18:38:07 2009

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