[OPE] A debate on capitalist crisis in Joburg today (between agreeable people)

From: Gerald Levy <jerry_levy@verizon.net>
Date: Wed Jan 28 2009 - 11:57:37 EST

Even though no one on the list other than Patrick will probably be able to
this event, you might be interested in the exchange below.
In solidarity, Jerry

----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick Bond" <pbond@mail.ngo.za>
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 11:32 AM
Subject: A debate on capitalist crisis in Joburg today (between agreeable

> The Chris Hani Institute [CHI] will be hosting a public lecture as part of
> celebrating the life and times of Cde Joe Slovo, the late National
> Chairperson of the SACP and ANC NEC Member. Cde Joe Slovo was a paragon of
> our revolution and chief architecture of our nascent democratic
> dispensation. The Deputy General-Secretary of the SACP, Cde Jeremy Cronin,
> will deliver the key main lecture under the strategic topic “The current
> financial crisis and possibilities for the left”, and Prof Patrick Bond,
> UKZN Director for Centre for Civil Society will be a respondent.
> The details of the public lecture are as follows:
> DATE : Wednesday 28 January 2009
> TIME : 10h30
> VENUE : COSATU Hse, 10th Floor, 1 – 5 Leyds Street, Braamfontein
> Issued by Chris Hani Institute [CHI]
> Below is Cde Jeremy Cronin’s prepared paper:
> Jeremy Cronin
> Paper delivered to the Chris Hani Institute seminar on
> “The current financial crisis and possibilities for the left”
> 28th January 2009
> Introduction
> In 1906 a gifted young South African studying in the United States won
> first prize in a Columbia University debating competition. His speech was
> entitled “The Regeneration of Africa” and it began with the assertion: “I
> am an African”. The speech is a remarkable lyrical hymn to progress. It
> was speaking out of a particular ideological illusion of the early
> twentieth century. The speech is dizzy with the sense of huge
> technological advances, rail-lines traversing continents, the telegraph
> system girdling the planet, steam-ships crossing the oceans. These
> advances, so the speaker believed, were finally making the world a single
> and united reality. The speech then called for an “African regeneration”
> that would ensure Africa was not left behind in this apparently marvellous
> new era that had opened up.
> The prize-winning debater was Pixley ka Isaka Seme, who, less than six
> years later, was to be one of the founding fathers of the ANC. Re-read
> more than a century later, the speech remains deeply moving. But, as we
> can now see with the benefit of hindsight, its hopes were to be shattered
> and its illusions cruelly exposed by the white minority colonial
> settlement in SA in 1910, by the outbreak of a vicious intra-imperialist
> war in 1914, and by the spectacular global capitalist crisis that began in
> 1929.
> The next phase of accelerated imperialist globalisation was to occur in
> the mid-1970s through to the present. Here in South Africa, in the
> mid-1990s, towards the tail-tend of this next phase of accelerated
> globalisation, an incumbent ANC leader was to invoke the Seme legacy.
> Sharing the same fundamental illusions of limitless progress, of a new
> global dawn, Mbeki was even given to styling much of his own prose on Seme’s
> youthful speech. Once again, the inability to appreciate the dialectical
> character of world capitalism’s trajectory, was to lead Mbeki (like Seme
> before him) to gravely misread the global situation, to imagine an
> “African renaissance” based on catching-up and aligning ourselves to the
> “West”, with the promise of an ineluctable, evolutionary way forward –
> “today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better than today.”
> The illusions of a young Seme more than a hundred years ago were, perhaps,
> understandable and forgivable. Can the same be said of the grave strategic
> misreadings and errors that proliferated within our own country and
> movement in the past decade? Have we sufficiently appreciated these errors
> and taken adequate corrective measures?
> The world capitalist system is now in the midst of its worst economic
> crisis since the early 1930s. To be sure, capitalism is seldom free of
> crisis. There have been many crises in the recent past – among them Mexico
> 1982, Japan 1990, and East Asia 1997/8. But the current crisis is
> different in many respects. In the first place, its epicentre is in the
> core zones of capitalist accumulation – the US, continental Europe, the
> UK, and now, increasingly, Japan. It has struck at the heart of the
> financial system. Its knock-on impact across the world is, therefore, much
> more profound. Given the intensified global interconnectivity (compared to
> the 1930s), the speed and reach of the knock-on impact is also greatly
> enhanced. While some economies will continue to grow (notably China) but
> at a much lower rate (now revised down to a possibly optimistic 7.5% for
> 2009 – the lowest in nineteen years), large parts of the world have
> already entered into recession, or are poised on the brink of recession.
> Tens if not hundreds of millions of jobs are being lost, homes
> repossessed, businesses liquidated and value destroyed.
> Marx was the first to provide a scientific analysis of the boom-bust cycle
> in capitalism, which he showed to be endemic to this mode of production.
> Crises in capitalism can occur as a consequence of factors extraneous to
> the accumulation process –wars, natural disasters, social upheavals.
> However, under capitalism (and in contrast to earlier forms of production)
> wars, natural disasters or social upheavals are more likely to be the
> consequences of intrinsic crises within capitalism rather than the
> fundamental causes of its crises.
> The cyclical pattern of booms and busts are systemically linked to the
> fact that capitalism – unlike socialism or earlier forms of production –
> is essentially production for exchange (and therefore private profit) and
> not for social use. In other forms of production (not least socialism)–
> over-production of goods would, in principle, usually be a cause for
> celebration, but under capitalism “over-production” (i.e. more than the
> market demands – i.e. more than can profitably be sold) triggers a
> break-down in the system – a crisis of over-accumulation. This, in turn,
> requires a massive wave of destruction of productive capacity (in the form
> of retrenchments, factory closures, liquidations, and stock exchange
> collapses), in order to “clear the ground” for the next round of capital
> accumulation through growth. It must be stressed that under capitalism
> “over-production” is not the over-production of products that the mass of
> the world’s population often desperately needs. It is “over-production”
> relative to “market demand”, i.e relative to what can profitably be
> sold.[1] Capitalism, for all its dynamism and robustness, is a profoundly
> irrational system.
> In recent times, liberal economists have boasted that with effective
> macro-economic modelling and management, together with some supposedly
> inherent self-correcting capacity within capitalist accumulation, we have
> been able to “transcend” the boom-bust cycles of capitalism. Ricardo
> Hausman, leader of Trevor Manuel’s “Harvard Group”, for instance,
> presented a celebrated paper in 2005 along with a fellow Harvard luminary.
> In it, they claimed that financial “dark matter” would prevent a big bang
> in the world economy. The failure to believe in this “dark matter”, the
> authors boasted, made “analysts predict crises that, for good reason,
> remain elusive.” All of these boasts now ring hollow.
> Booms and busts
> Over the past 500 years of modern capitalism, it is possible to detect
> three broad (but inter-linked) variants of boom and bust, of cycles of
> rise and fall:
> · relatively short-term cycles of around a decade or so. In the recent
> period the global economy has gone into a slump in 1974/5, 1980/2; 1991/3
> and 2001/2. In SA the last decade of apartheid corresponded to a domestic
> downturn/recession and post-1994 we have seen a general economic upturn.
> This upturn is variously attributed to “sound economic policies”, and the
> “political miracle”, etc. While subjective factors like policies are not
> unimportant, and while the political settlement has been a key ingredient
> in this upturn, it is important to notice that this cyclical upturn has
> also had an underpinning of objectivity related to our particular
> capitalist accumulation path. This local upturn is now likely entering
> into a period of several years of downturn if not actual recession. We
> obviously make this point, in order to prepare our defences against what
> is likely to be a political discourse in the coming years – blame a
> largely “objectively” (and externally) determined downturn on “Polokwane
> populism”.
> These shorter term cycles, and their national/regional characteristics are
> related to the particular features of a national/regional economy,
> including its positioning and insertion within the global capitalist
> economy, and, therefore, they are not unrelated to longer-term cycles in
> the world system
> · These long-term cycles at a global level are sometimes called
> “Kondratieff” cycles – after the economist who first noted and analysed
> them. Over the past 500 years there has been a remarkably consistent
> cyclical pattern, occurring roughly over 50 year periods – with booms and
> growing profit occurring over a 25 year period, followed by another 25
> year period or so of generally diminishing rates of profit, of deepening
> crisis and decline. The present long-term cycle in the world capitalist
> system began in 1945, with the upswing reaching a turning point around
> 1970/3. Since then, globally, we have been in a long downturn – somewhat
> longer than normal, partly because capitalist-aligned economists and
> central banks and multi-lateral institutions (like the IMF), believing
> that they had finally “beaten” recession forever, introduced a range of
> interventions which we can now see have simply temporarily displaced the
> epicentre of crisis into semi-peripheral regions, thus delaying and
> deepening the full-blown crisis in whose midst we now are.
> Finally, there is another, often even longer term cyclical (or rather rise
> and fall) tendency within capitalism:
> – The geographical shift in hegemony. Marx, Lenin and others following
> them have demonstrated how capitalist development is characterised by high
> degrees of combined and uneven development. It is a global system
> characterised by geographical zones of various importance within the
> accumulation process – core zones, semi-peripheral zones, and marginal or
> peripheral zones. Within this hierarchical system there is a tendency for
> a single zone/region or country to emerge as the dominant hegemon. Over
> the past 500 years, if we are to begin in what was still largely
> mercantilistic capitalism, the hegemonic centre of capitalist accumulation
> has shifted from the Italian city-states (notably Genoa), to the
> Netherlands (mid-17th century) and to Britain. Since 1870, the US has
> positioned itself as a challenger to British hegemonic domination, and
> since 1945 the US has been the uncontested dominant capitalist power. The
> emergence of a hegemonic power is usually characterised by a greater
> productive and technological dynamism than its rivals. In its declining
> years (and the decline might last for a long period), core centres of
> production shift to other localities, and the economy of the waning
> hegemonic power is increasingly characterised by “financialisation” – the
> increased investment of surplus out of production (and therefore out of
> job creation and wages) into speculative activity. This pattern is evident
> in all hegemonic societies, and since the early 1970s, as US hegemonic
> dominance has begun to wane, a ballooning financialistion process has been
> evident there, manifest in many things including a dramatic widening in
> the gap between the share of surplus going to profits and that going to
> wages.
> In addition to these three “rise and fall” patterns typical of capitalism,
> there is a fourth factor that needs to be borne in mind when considering
> the current crisis in the global capitalist system.
> Approaching the bio-physical and geographical limits to capitalism?
> The capitalist accumulation process is premised on ever-expanding growth
> and the illusion of limitless resources. However, there are absolute
> limits to capitalist production and reproduction (and, indeed, to any form
> of human civilisation). There is now a well-established scientific
> consensus that our present global economic trajectory is leading human
> civilisation towards catastrophe – with the depletion of non-renewable
> natural resources, the destruction of the environment, global warming and,
> therefore, the bio-physical preconditions for human survival. Capitalism
> and formerly existing socialism both shared the illusion of limitless
> natural resources available for ever-expanding exploitation. Today,
> socialist Cuba is setting an important example of an entirely different
> approach to sustainable development. On the other hand, while many leading
> politicians in capitalist countries are beginning to express grave concern
> about the future of our planet –denialism; or market mysticism (somehow
> the hidden hand of the market will find a solution); or a cynical, even
> genocidal, social Darwinism (“don’t worry there will be losers but there
> will also be winners”); or hopelessly inadequate piecemeal reforms remain
> the order of the day.
> In addition to the bio-physical limits to capitalism, there are also
> struggle-determined potential limits to the expanded reproduction of
> capital. Capital needs constantly to intensify and expand its exploitation
> of labour power – it does this in several ways, forcing workers to work
> longer hours; increasing the productivity of labour through technological
> advances; or attempting to roll back the social wage (for example, the
> welfare state). The relative success of any of these profit-maximising
> interventions depends on the ability or otherwise of labour and popular
> forces in general to resist the intensification of exploitation.
> Critically in the current era of “globalisation”, various forms of
> geographical displacement have also been key factors in this pursuit of
> the expanded reproduction of capital. In particular, in the current era,
> capital has relied to a considerable extent on lowering the cost (to
> capital) of the reproduction of labour power by relying on Third World
> survivalist and peasant economies to carry much of the burden of this
> reproduction. Thus we have seen the vast expansion in the last decades of
> variously coerced and regulated forms of mass migrancy (whether “cheap
> labour”, or the “brain drain” from the Third World). Or, the flip-side of
> the latter, through the geographical displacement of production to new
> localities where labour is “rightless” and “disciplined” in various ways
> (this happened with the flow of FDI into apartheid SA after 1963, Brazil
> under the military junta from the mid-1960s, and Chile from 1973 under
> Pinochet, and, under a somewhat different reality, it has been a key
> feature of Chinese growth in the last decades).
> However, as in South Africa, or Brazil, or South Korea in earlier periods,
> and as is now happening in China,[2] it tends to take a generation or so
> for workers to organise (or regroup and re-organise) for better wages,
> working conditions and social wage measures. In the coming period, the
> intensifying class struggles unfolding within China, and within the
> Chinese state and ruling party itself, will have a decisive impact upon
> the chances of a re-configuration (or otherwise) of the global economy.
> The present crisis – “a perfect storm”
> The present global crisis is particularly severe because it involves the
> confluence in differing degrees of all four of the systemic factors
> considered above:
> · short-term cyclical downturns, converging with
> · a longer-term downward trend, coinciding with
> · a global hegemon now in full decline; all shadowed by
> · the already detectable impact of approaching bio-physical and perhaps
> social limits to the expanded reproduction of capitalism.
> For around 100 years (1870 to 1970) the US witnessed an unprecedented
> trend of rising productivity and rising real wages for the working class.
> This economic reality lies at the basis of the “American dream”, and of
> the “consumerism” and relative passivity of the US working class – a car
> and a suburban home being the epitome of the American “way of life”. Since
> the early 1970s, the US’s hegemonic domination has been challenged by
> Japan and the Asian Tigers and some key European economies - leap-frogging
> in terms of technological and industrial plant investments, rendering US
> industrial plant (fixed investments) increasingly unprofitable. This has
> led to US capital moving to other locations OR moving into increasingly
> speculative financial activities. At the same time, US mass consumerism
> has been kept afloat through increasing credit, despite declining real
> wages since the early 1970s.
> Export-oriented Asian (especially Chinese) manufacturers and Third World
> oil producers became the production sites while US consumption propped up
> global market demand. The US has been running huge current account
> deficits – by 2006 the US current account deficit was at $800bn (or 6% of
> GDP). China, conversely, has played a crucial role in financing this US
> deficit, and therefore US consumption. China has now accumulated the world’s
> largest foreign exchange reserves ($1.9 trillion, at least $650bn of which
> is in US treasury bonds). In theory, China could pull the plug on the US
> economy, but a move to sell these assets would further damage China’s
> export industries, giving us a situation which some economists have
> described as a “mutually assured economic destruction” capacity on both
> sides.
> This symbiotic but unsustainable reality premised on growing US
> consumption was further propped up by a variety of “creative” financial
> instruments developed largely by the US financial sector. Among these were
> “sub-prime loans” – housing loans to those who basically could not afford
> them, in which the initial interest rate was sub-prime, but with the
> interest rate escalating over the duration of the mortgage on the
> assumption that as the borrower progressed career-wise so there would be
> an increased capacity to pay instalments. (Note that this is not very
> different from many BEE deals – in which black “investors” acquire shares
> on loan, on the assumption that the shares will always go up and they will
> be able to repay the loan). These sub-prime loans were then “diced and
> sliced” (i.e. mixed up with other more viable loans) and sold on by the
> direct mortgage institutions to banks and other financial institutions.
> The collapse of the sub-prime market has been the catalyst of the present
> all-round crisis. It has seen one of the top four investment banks in the
> US, the 100-year old Lehman Brothers collapsing, and other banks and the
> mortgage lenders (Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac) having to be rescued, often
> through nationalisations. The dicing and slicing of sub-prime and other
> toxic loans has meant that major financial institutions in the US and
> Europe, in particular, have no idea of what they are sitting on. This has
> led to a reluctance of banks to lend to each other, and liquidity in the
> real economy has dried up. Major global manufacturers (like Nokia, for
> instance) can still access cash from banks, but their hundreds of small
> suppliers cannot get loans and production across the globe is being
> impacted. On top of this, demand in the US and Europe is in recession, and
> this is impacting heavily on major global manufacturers, like China where
> there have already been hundreds of thousands of retrenchments. The Indian
> government is predicting 10 million job losses in its export industries
> over the current year.
> In many respects we are in uncharted waters, and no-one can say for sure
> exactly where it is all headed. There are, however, a few basic
> predictions we can make:
> * There will not be any significant short-term recovery;
> * Although the world capitalist system is in a grave crisis – it would be
> naïve to assume that capitalism will simply collapse, or that the crisis
> will spontaneously give birth to a better world;
> * The relative decline of US economic supremacy (which has been slipping
> since the mid-1970s) has now been greatly accelerated. The US will
> probably still emerge as the most powerful economy, but the world will
> have become significantly more multi-polar.
> * While multi-polarity offers possibilities, potentially more breathing
> space and alternatives, for the global South, it is the people of the
> South who will bear the burden of the crisis. For instance, as the core
> capitalist economies focus on their own crises and their own stimulus
> packages, already paltry development aid is diminishing; trade protective
> barriers are going up; FDI is pulling out of much of the South; premiums
> on international loans have increased; and portfolio investments are even
> more disinclined to bet on the South. It is not just the core capitalist
> economies that are retreating out of the South. For instance, more than 60
> Chinese mining companies have left the DRC’s Katanga province in the past
> two months as mineral prices collapse, and 100 small Chinese operators are
> said to have left Zambian mines (Jeffrey Herbst & Greg Mills, “Africa’s
> left to face commodity price storm largely on its own”, Business Report,
> Jan 22, 2009)
> * It is possible that dynamic developing economies like Brazil, India and
> China may be partially de-linked (de-coupled) from the recession, but none
> will escape its impact. China, with its US oriented, export-led growth
> strategy will face very serious challenges
> South African challenges - From the “unthinkable” to the “unmentionable”
> The global economic crisis presents the left with major possibilities but
> also serious challenges. Here in South Africa, transformation of our
> productive economy has become all the more necessary. But it will also
> become more difficult as declining global demand for our exports will
> impact on jobs and on state fiscal resources.
> We will also encounter an intensified ideological battle, from those
> outside of the ANC, and indeed from within the ANC itself. With their
> backs to the wall, but with massive resources, our resident neo-liberals
> of all stripes are fighting an ideological battle to prevent any sensible,
> democratic debate opening up within our country on economic policy
> evaluation and change.
> We have been here before. In the critical 1994-1996 period, a similar
> ideological battle was waged to capture the new government’s economic
> policy agenda. This included demonising, caricaturing and belittling
> alternative perspectives, especially when they came from the SACP and
> COSATU. It also included constant threats about what “global markets”
> would do to us if we dared challenge anything in the neo-liberal gospel.
> This theme was repeated over and over.
> And that is exactly what is now being repeated – except last time, we were
> being told there were no alternatives to the Washington consensus. Now, we
> are being told that the crisis of this very same economic agenda is so
> great, that we had better not risk changing anything.
> This was exactly the parting shot from the outgoing deputy finance
> minister, Jabu Moleketi, speaking in the week before the October 2008,
> alliance economic summit. He told the London Financial Times that it would
> be “suicidal” for South Africa to change economic policies: “Any sudden
> policy shifts by South Africa’s new leaders would be ‘suicidal’ for a
> country whose economy survives at the mercy of foreign investors,
> according to one of the architects of the recent years of stability.”
> (October 7, 2008)
> Notice the sleight of hand in this sentence. On the one hand, we are told
> that our economy has achieved “years of stability”, and on the other, we
> are told it “survives at the mercy of foreign investors”. What kind of
> stability is that? But according to one of our architects of stability,
> cde Moleketi, the seas are so choppy now that we shouldn’t try to turn our
> ship around. Typical of this line of reasoning is a caricature of what we
> are actually attempting (supposedly “a total U-turn”). What we are arguing
> for is exaggerated, the better to be able to demonstrate our “lack of
> wisdom”.
> We might be inclined to ignore all of this, if it were not likely to
> impact on parts of the ANC and government. But, unfortunately, this is not
> something we can take for granted.
> Consider an interview with Minister of Finance, cde Trevor Manuel,
> conducted by the London Financial Times in the immediate aftermath of the
> same mid-October Alliance economic summit. Clearly referring to the main
> resolutions from the summit, cde Manuel speaks dismissively: “We need to
> disabuse people of the notion that we will have a mighty powerful
> developmental state capable of planning and creating all manner of
> employment. It may have been on the horizon in 1994 but it could not be
> delivered now. The next period is likely to see a lot more competitiveness
> in the global economy. As consumer demand falls off there will be a huge
> battle between firms and countries to secure access to markets." (28
> October 2008)
> Manuel exaggerates and implicitly ridicules the resolutions of Polokwane
> and the Alliance summit on the developmental state. (Interestingly, when
> talking to the local media, he has been more restrained). He then says
> that a major job creation programme led by a developmental state “may have
> been on the horizon in 1994 but it could not be delivered now.” In other
> words, it is no longer possible to contemplate serious state-led job
> creation programmes because of the crisis in the global economy.
> But what was cde Manuel saying a few years back when there wasn’t the
> global crisis? In 2000 he told the Sunday Independent: “I want someone to
> tell me how the government is going to create jobs. It’s a terrible
> admission, but governments around the world are impotent when it comes to
> creating jobs.” (9 January 2000).
> Then it was NEVER possible, now it is NO LONGER possible! A few years ago
> change of economic policy was supposedly “unthinkable” – now it’s
> “unmentionable”.
> “But is it affordable?”
> A variant of the “unthinkable/unmentionable” argument which was deployed
> hostilely against the RDP in the mid-1990s and which we are encountering
> once more in regard to the ANC’s 2009 election manifesto is the tired
> refrain: “it is all very noble, but is it affordable?” Indeed, the
> affordability of a strategic programme is not irrelevant. And yes, indeed,
> the global economic crisis will impact on South Africa. There may very
> well be fewer fiscal resources available to government in the coming years
> as declining profits hit tax revenue. Our existing social security net,
> which we are committed to expanding, will likely come under increasing
> pressure as global recession hits South African jobs.[3]
> We have to be realistic about these and other related challenges. But what
> we absolutely must not allow this time around is that the “but is it
> affordable?” refrain should be used to deflect us off our strategic and
> programmatic DIRECTION.
> This is what happened in the mid-1990s to the RDP. The affordability
> argument was used to intimidate comrades in government (and was used, in
> turn, by some in government). In the name of “finding the resources” to
> “deliver” on “RDP promises”, the RDP programme was dumbed down into a list
> of “delivery targets”. GEAR effectively replaced developmental
> transformation as the key priority, making stabilisation and
> re-stimulation of essentially the same century-long growth path the
> priority. “Development” was turned into earnest endeavours at
> re-distribution out of growth, while the stabilised and moderately
> stimulated growth proceeded to reproduce all the systemic features of
> racialised underdevelopment that had characterised this growth path for
> the better part of a century.
> This time around we are making it very clear that it is decent work and
> sustainable livelihoods (and not 6% growth, or some other arbitrary
> figure) that will be the key indicator of progress or otherwise. This, in
> turn, will require the marshalling of our resources around a state-led
> industrial policy that prioritises the transformation of our productive
> economy. Key features of this industrial policy must include:
> * Breaking the suffocating grip of private monopoly cartels in the
> mineral, energy, finance, chemical, and agro-processing sectors – in order
> to ensure a more balanced development of small and medium-enterprises with
> a capacity to create jobs;
> * Achieving a better balance between production for export and production
> for our national and regional markets; this will include ensuring that
> trade policy is governed by industrial policy (and not the other way
> around);
> * More effective strategic coordination of energy policy – to ensure
> greater national energy sovereignty and long-term sustainability, with as
> rapid as possible greening of our economy
> * Paying much greater attention to national (and regional) food security
> * The consolidation of our SOEs and Development Finance Institutions,
> ensuring that their strategic development mandates are aligned and clear.
> * Reconfiguring the state apparatus to ensure that there is effective (and
> participatory) planning in all spheres, that budget allocations are
> determined by strategic and planned priorities, that macro-economic policy
> is shaped according to our developmental priorities, and that the
> professionalism and technical capacity of the state is significantly
> improved.
> * Our industrial policy and broader developmental strategy should not just
> be “national” in character, but it should also deliberately embrace a
> Southern African regional and even South-South dimension. Many capitalist
> forces around the world can be expected to respond to the global crisis
> with a dog-eats-dog mentality, with an each one for themselves approach of
> the kind that cde Manuel is predicting in his Financial Times interview
> quoted above (“The next period is likely to see a lot more competitiveness
> in the global economy. As consumer demand falls off there will be a huge
> battle between firms and countries to secure access to markets.”). While
> this trend is already evident, there are also inspiring alternative
> examples from which we should learn and emulate where possible – foremost
> among them the ALBA process in Latin America and the Caribbean.[4]
> Integral to our developmental agenda, and in order to buttress the
> priority of job creation and sustainable livelihoods, we are further
> identifying four other areas requiring prioritised systemic transformation
> if we are to ensure sustainable transformation – health-care, education,
> rural development and community safety. These are not add-ons, but
> integral components of a developmental path to systemic transformation.
> It might be that deepening global recession and its impact upon our own
> economy will have consequences for the scale and the time-frames for
> meeting our strategic developmental priorities. As we proceed, we need to
> monitor and evaluate outcomes and likely forward progress on a continuous
> basis. And we need to make whatever adjustments might be required. What we
> absolutely must NOT do this time around is to compromise on our strategic
> DIRECTION and on our systemic TRANFORMATIONAL objectives
> To keep focused on our strategic development agenda, we need also to
> engage actively in a critique of what remain dominant illusions about our
> present national reality.
> Central to the neo-liberal campaign to block serious economic debate and
> policy evaluation in our country is a series of inter-related myths about
> the state of health of our economy.
> Myth number one: “over the last decade South Africa has witnessed
> ‘unprecedented’ growth”
> It is true that since 1994 there have been 14 years of successive growth.
> Between 1994 and 2003 this growth averaged 3%. Between 2004 and 2007 it
> averaged 5%. It is now likely to dip again to 1%, if not down to negative
> growth and recession.
> While sustained if moderate growth is not a negligible achievement, we
> should remember that it is growth relative to the deep ditch into which
> white minority rule had finally driven the economy by the early 1990s. In
> the last decade of apartheid, there was either zero or negative growth for
> most years. To produce growth out of this low-point did not necessarily
> require rocket science.
> Moreover, a decade of growth is far from being “unprecedented” as is so
> often claimed. Between 1963 and 1973, the apartheid economy grew for a
> full decade at an average of 7-8%. As this apartheid-era growth should
> remind us, economic growth on its own doesn’t tell us who is benefiting,
> or even whether a high growth rate is a good or a bad thing for the
> majority.
> Myth number two: “we have managed our economy well since 1994”
> The last decade and a half has coincided with a huge surge in global
> growth. In particular, over the last years there has been a major
> commodity boom that has benefited most of our key exports. With a
> prolonged global recession now in sight, and with slackening demand for
> commodities, we have to ask ourselves whether we have used the boom years
> to place our economy on a sound, sustainable and more equitable basis? Or
> have we largely squandered the opportunity?
> An honest answer would have to admit that, in many respects, we have lost
> opportunities that may not return. The changed global reality does not
> make change impossible, it makes it all the more necessary. But
> transformation will now be more challenging in many respects.
> Myth number three: “all the basic economic fundamentals are in place…(and
> shouldn’t be tampered with!)”
> The smug complacency about what has been achieved over the past
> decade-and-a-half is, basically, a class complacency. For South African
> monopoly capital in general the past 15 years have been a period of great
> profitability, of a widening gap between their executive salaries and the
> wages they pay their workers. It has been a decade of opportunities to
> disinvest out of SA.
> For workers, however, the past 15 years have seen retrenchments initially
> soar and then level off into largely jobless growth. Unemployment peaked
> close to 40% and is now stuck around 33-35%. There has also been
> wide-scale casualisation, so that those in employment often find
> themselves below the radar screen of progressive labour market
> legislation. The past 15 years have also seen widening income inequality,
> making SA one of the worst performing countries in terms of the GINI
> coefficient measurement of income inequality. However, important social
> programmes (including grants, low cost housing and water and electricity
> provision) have helped to lessen absolute levels of poverty.
> The idea that economic “fundamentals” can be reduced to a few
> macro-economic indicators, while ignoring unsustainable levels of
> unemployment and inequality, is a class-biased assumption.
> Myth number four: “owing to sound economic management, South Africa is a
> safe haven in the current global turmoil”
> In its 78th Annual Report, published in June 2008, the Bank of
> International Settlements rated South Africa (along with Turkey, the
> Baltic states, Hungary and Romania) as one of the states most at risk in
> the current turbulent global reality. Of course, the fact that the BIS
> made this finding should not necessarily lead us to accept it as gospel –
> the BIS failed to remotely predict the impending scale of bank failure in
> the US. But the BIS report should certainly give us pause for thought.
> The BIS finding was based in particular on SA’s precarious current account
> situation (the difference between our export earnings and import
> expenditures). Since the June report, our current account deficit has
> worsened. In October 2008 our trade deficit widened to R7,1bn, largely as
> a result of a R2,2bn increase in imports of machinery and electrical
> appliances. On a cumulative basis from January to September the deficit
> stood at R62bn compared with R55bn in the same period last year. The fact
> that South Africa has become a net food importer for the first time ever
> is a further aggravating problem.
> It is hard to predict exactly what the short and medium-term global
> turbulence holds in store for our current account deficit. The rand is
> tending to depreciate against the dollar and euro and this will improve
> our export competitiveness – but the global downturn will lessen demand
> for our exports. The global downturn has brought the price of oil down to
> levels last seen two years ago, but this decline is partly off-set, in
> turn, by the declining value of the rand.
> In short, our current account deficit – which basically reflects on our
> failure to drive an aggressive industrial policy programme particularly in
> manufacturing and agriculture over the last 15-years – will remain a
> serious point of vulnerability.
> Myth number five: “our financial sector is healthy”
> Although our own financial institutions appear to be well regulated and
> have not been as severely exposed to toxic loans as their international
> counterparts, they have not been entirely immune either. Standard Bank has
> some exposure to derivative share-holdings, and Old Mutual lost over $1,4
> billion when its shares in Bear Sterns turned out to be almost worthless.
> Hopefully, these remain limited cases.
> But can we boast of a healthy financial sector when we have had one of the
> world’s worst housing price bubbles? When household debt has quadrupled to
> more than R1,1 trillion in the past five years? When more than 6 million
> South Africans can’t pay their debts? When, in the first quarter of 2008,
> South Africans spent 82,3% of their income servicing household debt,
> compared to 60,2% in 1998? And when 6000 vehicles and 2000 homes are now
> being repossessed every month?
> In assessing the health of our financial sector there is another reality
> that is often politely overlooked – the impact of narrow BEE deals. Many
> of these deals involved complicated financial gearing, in which an
> emerging elite (without capital savings) was provided with shares that
> they would, supposedly, repay out of the gains the shares would
> “inevitably” make. After all, “the stock market would always travel
> upwards” in the wonderful new SA and world in which we were now living.
> According to some sources, around 80% of these BEE deals are now “under
> the water”. BEE beneficiaries are unable to repay the debt on their
> shares – at least not within the prescribed time as agreed. This will
> impact upon the liquidity of firms, and it is debt that will, in many
> cases, also be passed into our banking sector. If this kind of BEE
> wheeling and dealing had had any serious transformational impact then, as
> a country, a deepening debt that will impact upon all of us might be
> excusable. But narrow BEE has been a deliberate side-tracking of serious
> transformation.
> Myth number six: “the choice is between no-change or imprudent
> macro-populism”
> We cannot be imprudent, but nor can we be complacent about where our
> economy is. We must reject the false choice of either an unsustainable
> welfarist “macro-populism”, on the one hand, or “no change”, where,
> supposedly, government continues to implement “prudent macro-economic
> policies”, while the markets do the rest.
> Our problems are structural. We have to transform the systemic features of
> our persisting growth path that is reproducing the crises of our society –
> unemployment, poverty, inequality, skills shortages, diminishing food
> security, excessive and unsustainable energy intensiveness, and current
> account vulnerabilities. These crises impact, in turn, on other major
> headaches, including crime levels and unsustainable household
> indebtedness.
> Too often the debate on economic policy is reduced to the wisdom or
> otherwise of inflation targeting or a small budget deficit. These are
> important issues that, no doubt, need prudent handling. But they are
> subsidiary matters.
> At the Alliance economic summit we agreed that our key priorities need to
> be job creation, major improvements in education, health-care and the
> criminal justice system, and serious rural transformation. These key
> priorities must not be handled as trickle-down welfarism, but as integral
> components of a state-led industrial programme that transforms our
> excessively commodity-based export-dependent and capital-goods
> import-dependent growth path. This is neither a dramatic abandonment of
> macro-economic prudence, nor is it a complacent sitting on our hands,
> hoping the markets will somehow solve everything.
> Myth number seven: “thank God”
> When South African financial institutions appear to be less vulnerable to
> the sub-prime crisis than institutions elsewhere, when things are not as
> bad as they might be, we are asked to believe that something miraculous
> has occurred. Consider a recent speech delivered at the University of
> Pretoria by Richemont and Remgro chairperson, Johann Rupert. He told his
> audience:
> “I am a proponent for the abolition of exchange controls but I must agree
> with finance minister Trevor Manuel that we were saved by foreign exchange
> controls. Certainly some of my banker friends and fund managers would also
> have been seduced by the higher yields available in the sub-prime and
> other markets. So for once, thank God for foreign exchange controls.”
> (Business Times, October 26, 2008)
> It is possible that we have benefited from divine favours in the recent
> past. It would be remiss not to acknowledge that cde Manuel has resisted
> the big-bang removal of exchange controls constantly advocated by the
> media’s “economic specialists”, by big business circles, and by the DA and
> IFP in parliament. However, in line with GEAR commitments to progressively
> remove exchange controls, the Minister of Finance has introduced no fewer
> than 26 relaxations of exchange controls over the past 8 years.
> The residual presence of some exchange controls in SA isn’t particularly
> due to divine intervention or to the Minister of Finance. Instead it has a
> great deal to do with protracted struggles from within the ANC, and
> especially from the SACP and COSATU in opposition to the hasty and
> excessive liberalisation measures that were introduced from the mid-1990s.
> In particular, the SACP-led Financial Sector Campaign eventually compelled
> hostile Treasury Department officials to deal legislatively and otherwise
> with our financial institutions and their unwise lending inclinations. The
> Credit Act and the extension of banking to a wider internal market were
> the results of the campaign.
> It is now conceded by many mainstream commentators that both these
> measures (along with exchange controls) have played a key role in
> protecting our banks from the global crisis. Thanking God is a way of
> obscuring the role of popular mobilisation in impacting positively on
> economic policy.
> Johann Rupert might not want us to remember this fact. But we should never
> forget. The transformation of our productive economy and broader society
> cannot depend upon a developmental state alone, it critically requires
> popular participation, popular mobilisation and popular monitoring and
> evaluation.
> [1] Cf. Marx: “The word over-production in itself leads to error. So long
> as the most urgent needs of a large part of society are not satisfied, or
> only the most urgent needs are satisfied, there can of course be
> absolutely no talk of an over-production of products – in the sense that
> the amount of products is excessive in relation to the need for them. On
> the contrary, it must be said that on the basis of capitalist production,
> there is constant under-production in this sense. The limits to production
> are set by the profit of the capitalist and in no way by the needs of the
> producers. But over-production of products and over-production of
> commodities are two entirely different things.” Marx, Theories of Surplus
> Value.
> [2] “Unemployment and the economic slowdown could cause massive social
> turmoil in China, a leading scholar in the Communist Party has said. ‘The
> redistribution of wealth through theft and robbery could dramatically
> increase and menaces to social stability will grow,’ Zhou Tianyong, a
> researcher at the Central Party School in Beijing, wrote in the China
> Economic Times. ‘This is extremely likely to create a reactive situation
> of mass-scale social turmoil,’ he wrote. His views do not reflect
> leadership policy but highlight worries in elite circles about the impact
> of the economic slowdown. Mr Zhou warned that the real rate of urban
> joblessness reached 12% this year and could reach 14% next year as the
> economy slows. China's annual GDP growth has already slowed to 9% in the
> third quarter, from 10.1% in the second. Some forecasters see growth
> slowing to 7.5% next year. The government has launched a stimulus package
> and cut interest rates to boost the economy. Last month, China's top
> planner warned that the economic slowdown in China could fuel social
> unrest. Zhang Ping, head of the National Development and Reform
> Commission, said the impact of the global crisis on China's economy was
> deepening. ‘Excessive bankruptcies and production cuts will lead to
> massive unemployment and stir social unrest,’ he said.”. (“China ‘faces
> mass social unrest’”, BBC News, 5 December 2008 – www//news.bbc.co.uk)
> [3] “The Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) is paying out about R300
> million a month to beneficiaries, up from R250m a month last July, and
> claim figures are expected to rise by at least 15 percent this year”.
> (“UIF payouts set to rise”, Business Report, Jan 21, 2009).
> [4] See Shawn Hattingh: “At present, there are four full member states of
> ALBA: Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. There are four observer
> states in ALBA -- Ecuador, Uruguay, the Dominican Republic, and St.
> Kitts -- who will become full members in the near future. ALBA rejects
> neo-liberalism and aims to forge a path away from "free" trade. ALBA
> itself has a wide range of guiding principles and has the following
> objectives:
> * To promote trade and investment between member governments, based on
> cooperation, and with the aim of improving people's lives, not making
> profits.
> * For member states to cooperate to provide free healthcare and free
> education to people across the ALBA states.
> * To integrate the ALBA member's energy sectors to meet people's needs.
> * To create alternative media to counterbalance the US and regional
> neo-liberal media and promote an indigenous Latin American identity.
> * To ensure land redistribution and food security within the member
> states.
> * To develop state-owned corporations.
> * To develop basic industries so that ALBA member states can become
> economically independent.
> * To promote workers' movements, student movements, and social movements.
> * To ensure that projects under ALBA are environmentally friendly”
> (ALBA: Creating a Regional Alternative to Neo-Liberalism?”, Feb.2008,
> www.monthlyreview.org/mrzine/hattingh070208
> ***
> Comments on
> “The current financial crisis and possibilities for the left”
> Paper by Jeremy Cronin, presented to the Chris Hani Institute’s Joe Slovo
> Memorial Lecture, 28 January 2009
> Comments by Patrick Bond, University of KwaZulu-Natal Centre for Civil
> Society (pbond@mail.ngo.za <mailto:pbond@mail.ngo.za>)
> This is a fantastic paper, one of the most coherent and visionary of texts
> I've read about the contemporary situation, showing full cognizance of the
> processes of capital accumulation, world system formation and ecological
> crisis, as well as mapping out some of the implications for South African
> Left praxis. However, in these brief comments, I hope to contribute to the
> debate in three ways. First, I do have some minor quibbles with comrade
> Jeremy's analysis; second, I'd like to forcefully agree and extend his
> description of foundational processes in crisis formation and
> displacement; and third, there are a few more substantial augmentations to
> suggest for prescriptions associated with South Africa’s independent left.
> This text (revised from a version in Umsebenzi last month) follows several
> from the SACP that appear to be ever stronger in their critiques of
> capitalism’s core processes, of which two are perhaps most important: the
> 1998 Alliance analysis of the economic crisis in which the deep theory of
> overaccumulation crisis was flagged; and the 2006 Bua Komunisi analysis of
> South African capitalism’s internal contradictions. In both, the
> disappointments for diverse independent leftists (of which I count myself
> a member) were largely in the programmatic arena. But this was prior to
> the Polokwane conference at which a few major initiatives of the left were
> announced as ANC policies, leaving those arguing for a socialist project
> within the Alliance with increased confidence. Such confidence, as Cronin
> says, is ebbing because of the drum-beat of fiscal discipline that has
> accompanied the crisis. In this context, let me begin by taking up just a
> few points in the text to cajole and to applaud:
> 1) What are we up against? Quibbles
> JC: "Once again, the inability to appreciate the dialectical character of
> world capitalism’s trajectory, was to lead Mbeki (like Seme before him) to
> gravely misread the global situation, to imagine an “African renaissance”
> based on catching-up and aligning ourselves to the “West”, with the
> promise of an ineluctable, evolutionary way forward – “today is better
> than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better than today.”"
> PB: I imagine the most hostile remark a Marxist given top marks at the
> Lenin Institute in Moscow could receive is "undialectical". I think
> there's something worse reflected in Mbeki's analysis though, especially
> in its full-on endorsement of technology-driven globalisation (of the sort
> that is found in such a banal form in NEPAD for instance, written in 2001,
> after the East Asian crisis and the quite Marxish 1998 pronouncements by
> the Alliance on that crisis). That is a return to modernisation theory as
> the basis for undergirding neoliberalism, as we saw in ASGISA, namely the
> sense that microfinance is the missing link, the energy that can bring
> "dead capital" to life in the De Soto sense. In a collection of political
> economic texts CCS produced last year, you can find David Masondo's tough
> critique of the revived modernisation strategy and my own attempt to
> unpack ASGISA's faith in finance. (A cheeky query: did the SACP fall for
> this in some sense, in the promotion of access to capitalist bank credit
> for a small sliver of the working class, instead of promoting the kind of
> bank nationalisation as a form of public utility, as some influential
> voices in the Western left such as Leo Panitch are now doing? The SACP's
> Financial Services Charter campaign work and Mzanzi bank account victories
> now deserve a fundamental rethink, with not only regulation but a much
> more profound attack on financialisation and consumer indebtedness now
> feasible.)
> JC: "To be sure, capitalism is seldom free of crisis."
> PB: Though the word ‘crisis’ is very common amongst South African
> activists (just check the names of numerous campaigns and organizations),
> there is a ‘chicken little’ critique leveled against classical Marxism for
> remarks of this sort (e.g. by Doug Henwood and Sam Gindin against yours
> truly). So I don't think this is an appropriate statement if we think of
> the word "crisis" in terms of a disruption to the reproduction of a social
> system (the way Robert Cox sometimes put it). In that sense, the
> self-correcting features of capitalism which could deal with the ordinary
> short business cycle run into much more serious problems when the longer
> K-cycles begin to have an impact. It is here we should reserve our use of
> the word "crisis", and acknowledge - as Cronin does - that periods like
> 1945-73 were not ones of "crisis" at the global scale. Once it destroys
> enough overaccumulated capital, the system can reassert the underlying
> dynamics of accumulation and fully "resolve" its crisis tendencies, we
> have learned again and again. Cronin is correct that we have not witnessed
> that process since the early 1970s, though with some $25 trillion in
> fictitious paper values now wiped off the world's balance sheet in recent
> months, at least it's possible to consider the financialisation
> displacements now impossible, so that the real work of restructuring
> underlying systems of industrial production may begin in earnest.
> JC: Crises in capitalism can occur as a consequence of factors extraneous
> to the accumulation process –wars, natural disasters, social upheavals.
> PB: Ah, but which of these is truly extraneous to capital accumulation?
> (Ok, many natural disasters like the 2004 Tsunami – but as Naomi Klein
> points out, ‘disaster capitalism’ is able to profit from such events, not
> just face destruction.) The challenge is to identify ways that the
> uneven/combined nature of the capitalist system pushes and pulls capital
> accumulation into different circuits and spaces of capital, a huge
> undertaking. (For this task, I especially recommend recent books by John
> Bellamy Foster and Fred Magdoff, David Harvey, Robert Brenner, Ellen
> Meiksins Wood and Joel Kovel, to name a few.) At that stage it should
> become possible to connect the dots, and show how WW1 and WW2 were
> geopolitical reactions to capitalist crisis, and how Katrina and Africa's
> worsening drought/flood cycle are internal (not exogenous) reflections of
> accumulation dynamics.
> JC: ... under capitalism “over-production” (i.e. more than the market
> demands – i.e. more than can profitably be sold) triggers a break-down in
> the system – a crisis of over-accumulation. This, in turn, requires a
> massive wave of destruction of productive capacity (in the form of
> retrenchments, factory closures, liquidations, and stock exchange
> collapses), in order to “clear the ground” for the next round of capital
> accumulation through growth. It must be stressed that under capitalism
> “over-production” is not the over-production of products that the mass of
> the world’s population often desperately needs. It is “over-production”
> relative to “market demand”, i.e relative to what can profitably be sold.
> Capitalism, for all its dynamism and robustness, is a profoundly
> irrational system.
> PB: Well said. The implications of this analysis go very far in taking us
> away from mere Keynesianism - the Northern elite's momentary current
> ideology of rhetorical preference (even if not yet the ideology of
> practice), though apparently not feasible in the South, if Trevor Manuel
> is to be believed. There is some discussion at the global scale - perhaps
> best articulated in the January 2009 issue of Development Dialogue journal
> issued by the Dag Hammarskjold Foundation - about "post-neoliberalism",
> but I don't see it yet, for the reasons that Cronin has specified. The
> deeper crisis of capitalism we face will require much more than what
> Walden Bello has over-generously labeled "Global Social Democracy" (I
> believe Bello incorrect in suggesting we have passed through the
> neoliberal stage - that extremist version of macro and micro economic
> policy will continue to return to haunt the world's poor and working
> people, and environment.) If we pose the problem in these deep-rooted ways
> (Cronin's description is excellent), then we see that the way out of
> overproduction is in the first instance deflection of the inevitable
> devalorisation of overaccumulation of capital (defensive maneuvres)
> combined with the socialisation of markets (our Left offense, as we have
> accomplished through brilliant social struggles with respect to
> anti-retroviral medicines in SA and to some extent water here in
> Johannesburg). This is the agenda of the SACP, reflected in the wonderful
> slogan "Socialism is the Future, Build it Today". But is that slogan truly
> informed by a deep-seated critique of capitalist market irrationalities?
> This is the opportunity to declare socialisation not only desireable in
> "the Future" but absolutely necessary "Today", because of capitalist
> crisis tendencies.
> JC: In SA the last decade of apartheid corresponded to a domestic
> downturn/recession and post-1994 we have seen a general economic upturn.
> PB: A quite complex process was underway from 1984-94 that no one has
> properly dissected, in my view (though Charles Meth made a good start in
> the early 1990s in his debates with the SA Regulation School, and Martin
> Legassick's excellent contemporary economic analysis has a fine historical
> sweep). There were far too many political interventions from above and
> below to characterise it as easily as does Cronin, especially given that
> from 1989-93 we witnessed the longest depression in SA's history. The
> factors we need to better incorporate and that cannot be summed up in a
> sentence would include:
> a) sustained overproduction especially for white consumer markets by the
> early 1970s;
> b) the range of labour-related rigidities and social irrationalities that
> SA capitalism suffered because of its apartheid shell;
> c) the desire of english-speaking capital (and the Ruperts too!) to escape
> SA, which they did through capital flight and overseas purchases until
> September 1985 when it became more difficult and expensive in part because
> of exchange controls and in part because of international opprobrium
> against SA capital; and certainly not least,
> d) resurgent class and community struggles from below.
> If these factors are at the core of our analysis, it becomes easier to see
> how an unsustainable accumulation process has occurred from 1999-present,
> based largely upon expansion of the credit system and
> momentarily-successful commodity exports which together began to generate
> the fabled 5% GDP growth rates of the 2000s. But at the same time, with
> this foundation, we can see how the underlying problems of the SA economic
> structure worsened throughout the period of "general economic upturn".
> Macroeconomic policies (as well as microdevelopmental strategies which
> emphasised markets) here were central, reflecting a power shift to capital
> ("the 1996 class project"). Another important factor in the recent
> "upturn" has been the bubbling of real estate prices, which from 1997-2004
> grew more than three times faster than the US, including in our own
> 'subprime' township markets. This in turn reflects an uncomfortable fact
> we cannot but mention in this room today: Joe Slovo's housing policies
> (designed by Billy Cobbett with important pressures from the old Urban
> Foundation and the World Bank) explicitly recommodified township housing
> ("normalisation of the markets" in the words of the 1994 Housing White
> Paper), so that the Kuznets real estate cycle went into hyperactive mode
> once the earlier round of housing devalorisation (1989-98) had played
> itself out.
> JC: [we are entering] a period of several years of downturn if not actual
> recession. We obviously make this point, in order to prepare our defences
> against what is likely to be a political discourse in the coming years –
> blame a largely “objectively” (and externally) determined downturn on
> “Polokwane populism”.
> PB: This is a point that needs to be defended in much greater detail,
> especially with the resurgent hype about Trevor Manuel's successes in
> macroeconomic management (in Financial Mail and M&G reviews of Pippa
> Green's new biography, but more generally).
> PB: I have a few more quibbles:
> * Myth one: Did "growth" really occur? If it had been measured correctly,
> in a way that calculates the depletion of natural resources, then no.
> Correcting SA GDP in this way, even the World Bank acknowledges that the
> economy - including its stock of nonrenewable natural assets (mainly
> minerals) - actually shrinks each year.
> * Myth two: the massive upturn in commodity prices from 2001-08 was not
> simply a missed opportunity, it is extraordinary how little the mining
> houses here reflected the huge profits on their books and in GDP
> contributions. This is probably a result of the way they were allowed to
> internationalise their operations starting with DeBeers in the early 1990s
> but accelerating with so many other offshore deals done since 1994.
> * Myth three: if we measure profits properly within economic fundamentals,
> we'd see a major increase in financial and decline in manufacturing
> activity, which is one of the most important problems in capitalism
> globally.
> * Myth four: on current account vulnerability, the crucial factor Cronin
> neglects is the outflow of capital to London thanks to the 1999-2001
> permissions that Manuel gave to Anglo, DeBeers, Old Mutual, SAB, Didata,
> Mondi and other corporations to externalise their financial headquarters.
> That is a critical area for reversal, via exchange controls.
> * Myth five: on the health of the financial sector, would this not be a
> good chance to ask auto-critically about SACP theory/practice in relation
> to access by the black working class to credit? What, indeed, is the basis
> for an appropriate system of capitalist credit flows to townships and
> rural areas, given that finance invariably amplifies uneven/combined
> development? Each circumstance is different, but some guidance on how we
> might turn the myth upside down by socialising finance would be welcome.
> * Myth six: why not embrace the choice: "between no-change or imprudent
> macro-populism", and then redefine macro-populism to incorporate the kinds
> of policies we want on the Left, and turn away from the Gono-style
> policies we don't? Why not take advantage of the way that the beastly
> Lawrence Summers now must confess "We are all Keynesians" and then
> establish the controls necessary to have a major upsurge of state spending
> without either inflationary damage to poor people's budgets and capital
> flight?
> * Myth seven: no quibbles here...
> 2) Uniting on analysis
> The words below are powerful and deserve amplification. I have no real
> quibbles, aside from desiring more detail about "combined and uneven
> development", that evocative phrase (of the unmentionable Leon Trotsky in
> his 1906 work on permanent revolution). This is for the simple reason that
> what David Harvey terms "accumulation by dispossession" - which in our SA
> phraseology corresponds to the "articulation of modes of production"
> (popularized by SACP theorist Harold Wolpe) in which capitalism
> superexploits precapitalist social relations - is an ever more important
> part of profitability, a factor not disturbed much by the current
> capitalist crisis (even if the commodity price collapse has slowed
> dispossession in some sites, like the Copperbelt, as Cronin observes). Our
> rereading of the works of Rosa Luxemburg is especially useful, as her SA
> and African analysis holds up well today (Jeff Guy pointed out in a CCS
> seminar in 2006), and the Luxemburgist analysis is also the best
> South-North rendition on the question of imperialism.
> JC: The present long-term cycle in the world capitalist system began in
> 1945, with the upswing reaching a turning point around 1970/3. Since then,
> globally, we have been in a long downturn – somewhat longer than normal,
> partly because capitalist-aligned economists and central banks and
> multi-lateral institutions (like the IMF), believing that they had finally
> “beaten” recession forever, introduced a range of interventions which we
> can now see have simply temporarily displaced the epicentre of crisis into
> semi-peripheral regions, thus delaying and deepening the full-blown crisis
> in whose midst we now are... while many leading politicians in capitalist
> countries are beginning to express grave concern about the future of our
> planet – denialism; or market mysticism (somehow the hidden hand of the
> market will find a solution); or a cynical, even genocidal, social
> Darwinism (“don’t worry there will be losers but there will also be
> winners”); or hopelessly inadequate piecemeal reforms remain the order of
> the day... The geographical shift in hegemony. Marx, Lenin and others
> following them have demonstrated how capitalist development is
> characterised by high degrees of combined and uneven development. It is a
> global system characterised by geographical zones of various importance
> within the accumulation process – core zones, semi-peripheral zones, and
> marginal or peripheral zones. Within this hierarchical system there is a
> tendency for a single zone/region or country to emerge as the dominant
> hegemon... it is the people of the South who will bear the burden of the
> crisis. For instance, as the core capitalist economies focus on their own
> crises and their own stimulus packages, already paltry development aid is
> diminishing; trade protective barriers are going up; FDI is pulling out of
> much of the South; premiums on international loans have increased; and
> portfolio investments are even more disinclined to bet on the South.
> 3) South African challenges
> PB: I think Cronin misses two essential challenges for the SA left:
> withstanding the particular pressures of the Bretton Woods Institutions,
> now resurgent with ‘Washington Consensus’ logic thanks to their
> relegitimation in South Africa (a R50 billion Eskom loan for coal-fired
> power plants) and probably globally in coming weeks thanks to Barack
> Obama; and the inability of SA’s neoliberal bloc to change world
> conditions (as witnessed today in Davos where president Kgalema Motlanthe
> and Trevor Manuel will again exert zero pressure for genuine global
> financial governance, in the wake of their apathetic role in the G20 in
> Washington). The first pressure was felt on October 22, when hundreds of
> pages of IMF reports were dumped on South Africa, overwhelming our
> slovenly business press corps. The five key points made in the most
> important report, the Article 4 Consultation, are:
> * The SA government should run a budget surplus
> * SA government should adopt privatisation for "infrastructure and
> social needs" including electricity and transport
> * SA Reserve Bank should maintain existing inflation-targeting and raise
> interest rates
> * SA Treasury and Trade Ministry should remove protections against
> international economic volatility, especially financial and trade rules
> * SA Labour Ministry should remove worker rights in labour markets,
> including "backward-looking wage indexation" to protect against inflation
> Reports from Davos today already mirror the sense we have from the
> November meeting of the G20 (the major financial economies): SA will play
> deaf and dumb to the needs of Africa, for massive debt cancellation,
> reparations and an end to capital flight. Those needs cannot be doubted,
> yet the only real pressure SA is known for applying is to extend African
> membership on the boards of the Bretton Woods Institutions. This has been
> an extremely difficult job, even though the IMF and Bank desperately
> relegitimation, and the main question to be asked is, “so what if Africa
> gets another seat or two?” (Especially if the likes of Manuel and his
> allies across Africa determine the agenda.)
> In contrast, showing genuine Third World financial leadership, the
> Ecuadoran government recently led the world with a debt default based on
> the premise of Odious Debt (SA remains in conflict with Jubilee SA and
> Khulumani over precisely the same principle in the US apartheid
> reparations lawsuits). And the Venezuelan government has called for the
> closure of the IMF (as did Joseph Stiglitz in 2002) and has catalysed a
> Bank of the South to operate outside the logic of “sound banking
> principles” (meanwhile in mid-January, Manuel agreed on a 17.5% ownership
> in a $25 billion “African Investment Bank” destined to run precisely on
> “sound banking principles”, according to the founding documents). Our
> economy lost $6 billion when the currency crashed in October 2008 after
> Mbeki’s office released Manuel’s resignation letter, so once again SA’s
> vulnerability to world finance – and so far untried ability to reverse
> this through tightened exchange controls – was revealed as a huge
> challenge, which the left has not really joined so far. In other
> countries, excellent protests have been recorded against the neoliberal
> project that has intensified because of the world financial crisis (most
> recently in Iceland of all places), while South Africans retain what I
> believe to be the world’s highest protest rate per capita (far higher than
> China’s) yet have not connected the dots between their micro problems and
> the ongoing influence of IMF logic. Booting out the IMF consultants who
> make Article 4 recommendations in direct contradiction to what their boss,
> Dominique Strauss-Kahn, has been saying (he advocates a 2% increase in
> deficit spending ‘everywhere’), would be a good first step.
> JC: [critique of Moleketi] Typical of this line of reasoning is a
> caricature of what we are actually attempting (supposedly “a total
> U-turn”). What we are arguing for is exaggerated, the better to be able
> to demonstrate our “lack of wisdom”.
> PB: But why NOT a total U-turn? Why not the demands of Keynesianism as
> against neoliberalism and monetarism? Why not a (non-subimperialist)
> African continental orientation and major inward push to change wealth and
> income relationships so as to revive markets for basic-need goods and
> services? Why not a full U-turn on the kinds of international relations -
> free trade, repayment of apartheid debt, inviting TNC direct investment -
> that made SA so vulnerable over the years? Why not a U-turn on
> unemployment and inequality, and on reliance upon the market in so many
> ways?
> JC: We have to be realistic about these and other related challenges. But
> what we absolutely must not allow this time around is that the “but is it
> affordable?” refrain should be used to deflect us off our strategic and
> programmatic DIRECTION.
> PB: Affordability is a factor in the ideological debates with Treasury and
> the bourgeois press. But I think it will be in the micro interventions -
> of which probably the National Health Insurance proposal will be most
> contested - that the Left must firm up its critique of market processes
> and outcomes. On anti-retroviral medicines and water, we have come a very
> long way from a decade ago, when insisting upon locally-produced,
> decommodified AIDS drugs and Free Basic Water supplied by a municipality
> (not a Paris company) were sacrilege.
> JC: ... it is decent work and sustainable livelihoods (and not 6% growth,
> or some other arbitrary figure) that will be the key indicator of progress
> or otherwise. This, in turn, will require the marshalling of our resources
> around a state-led industrial policy that prioritises the transformation
> of our productive economy.
> PB: All of these strategies are excellent as transitional demands but hang
> on, there are just as rich a set of economic strategies emanating from the
> radical social movements and labour that deserve building upon, in
> addition to the AIDS medicines and deprivatised water that the Treatment
> Action Campaign and Anti-Privatisation Forum have won. What about land?
> Housing? Free education? Larger quantities of free municipal services with
> greater local and national cross-subsidies? A Basic Income Grant? Radical
> changes to the SA state's pro-corporate environmental policies on
> biofuels, biopiracy, timber, fishing and especially climate? And
> reparations for apartheid debt? These are all the actually existing
> campaigns by social movements, churches and labour which we need to
> promote and support where appropriate. The Party has been weak in its
> acknowledgement much less solidarity with these campaigns (and vice
> versa), so let's figure out ways to reverse our lack of unity in the
> crucial period ahead.
> In addition, we need to always get back to a Left programmatic synthesis
> and, of course, to analysis. With the SACP and Diakonia, our Centre is now
> discussing how to generate a reading circle beginning next month, to
> tackle Das Kapital, Luxemburg's Accumulation of Capital and contemporary
> texts. I will propose to the broad church of comrades from the Party, the
> liberation wing of the faith/justice movement and our independent left
> community and intellectual stalwarts who take part, that this text of
> comrade Jeremy is our first read. Thanks very much for it, and for the
> chance to comment on it with the full respect it deserves.

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Received on Wed Jan 28 12:21:50 2009

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