RE: [OPE] "Parasitism"

Date: Tue Feb 24 2009 - 08:31:05 EST

Paul C:


Relative surplus value can be increased be increasing the productivity of labor

through technological change or by increasing the intensity of labor. In either case,

this can arise without a corresponding decrease in the prices of means of

consumption for workers. Of course, it _can_ lead to this but it doesn't

 _necessarily_ have that effect. This increase in output/worker/hour increases

the proportion of the working day required for necessary consumption and thereby

extends surplus labor time. Just because it takes workers less time to produce the

total output doesn't mean that their customary standard of living will increase.


In solidarity, Jerry




> Relative surplus value arises from the cheapening of the elements of
> consumption measured
> in labour cost relative to a fixed working day.
> Absolute surplus value arises when the working day is extended beyond
> the pre-industrial norm.

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Received on Tue Feb 24 08:31:15 2009

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