> After all, Gandhi and Luther King seem to be offered more endurable
> and coherent legacies than the communist leaders.
The *strategy* of non-violent resistance is based on on the (religious)
faith that one's opponents will recoil in horror - if confronted with the
truth - by the own actions. It essentially holds the moral belief that all
people are inherently good and that their conscience can be appealed to
and their innate goodness will prevail. This is an example of exactly what
I have been arguing against - *idealism*. One can not assume that the
strategy applied in India under colonial rule or in the US during the
civil rights movement will work in (most) other countries, including
Venezuela. To demand that the people of Iraq, Palestine, Venezuela
and other places adopt this strategy takes no account of their actual
national histories and class struggles. Furthermore, it is an invitation
to slaughter on a truly epic scale!
What sort of a conscience do you, for example, think fascists have? What
sort of a conscience do you think the CIA has? What sort of a conscience
do you think the "opposition" has. One has to look to *history* to answer
these questions. This is not to say that I am opposed on principle
to the *tactic* of non-violent resistance, but this tactic should not
be elevated to a principle or strategy. The strategy developed in any
struggle must take into account material *reality* and must not descend
from up high from some religious or abstract, absolute, and ahistorical
> It is time to oppose any strategic concession if it betrays socialist principles.
*Letting the people decide through a democratic process* whether to keep term limits or not
was not a betrayal of socialist principles. A socialist principle which should not be
betrayed, imo, is the *principle of the right of self-determination for oppressed nationalities*.
That means that we should support the right of Venezuelan workers and the poor to decide
on their own destinies rather than impose on them an abstract, absolute, and ahistorical
ideal developed by philosophers and academics. Self-determination for them is not a
question of formulating an 'ideal' type of democracy; it is about making their own
choices and taking control over their own destinies.
In solidarity, Jerry
ope mailing list
Received on Sat Feb 28 14:41:57 2009
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