RE: [OPE] value-form theory redux

From: Paul Cockshott <>
Date: Mon Mar 16 2009 - 04:15:55 EDT

I knew intdllectually at an abstract lelve that the resolving multipliers were the slope of the intercept to the production surface where it intersects the plan ray. What I had not grasped was how they were actually used to optimise during the algortithm, since he does not use simplex

From: [] On Behalf Of Ian Wright []
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 3:40 AM
To: Outline on Political Economy mailing list
Subject: Re: [OPE] value-form theory redux

Hi Paul

> In converting his paper and pencil method to be performed by an intelligent mathematician into Pascal
> code I realised just how in his system the resolving multipliers were used. One sees that they really
> were very like prices but did not require any exchange nor any 'subjective preferences' they arose directly
> from the technical constraints on production.

I thought Kantorvich's "resolving multipliers" were identically the
Langrangian multipliers or "shadow prices" that we get in modern
formulations of optimization problems found in economics textbooks. Am
I wrong about this?

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Received on Mon Mar 16 04:20:35 2009

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